Serendipity as Divine Intervention

Essraa Nawar
5 min readMar 21, 2024

Surrendering to the Flow of Life

In the intricate dance of life, serendipity emerges as a guiding force, leading us towards unexpected encounters and opportunities that shape our destinies. As we navigate the twists and turns of existence, it becomes evident that the power of serendipity lies in its ability to unfold the tapestry of our lives in ways we could never anticipate. With each serendipitous moment, we are reminded of the profound truth encapsulated in the proverb, “We Plan, God Decides,” highlighting the unpredictability and wonder of our journey.

Serendipitous Relationships: From Chance Encounters to Lifelong Bonds

Throughout my life, I have witnessed the transformative power of serendipity in shaping meaningful relationships. From chance encounters that blossomed into the deepest friendships to unexpected connections that led to cherished partnerships, and beyond. The threads of serendipity weave through the fabric of our interpersonal connections. In Islam, the concept of Tawakul, or trust in the divine plan, reminds us that while we may strive to forge our own paths, it is ultimately through serendipitous encounters that our most profound relationships are formed. Through faith and trust in God’s wisdom, we open ourselves to the possibility of divine intervention, allowing serendipity to guide us towards the people who enrich our lives in unexpected ways.

Navigating the Path of Success

In the realm of work and collaboration, serendipity often plays a pivotal role in shaping our professional trajectories. From stumbling upon career opportunities that align with our passions to forming partnerships that lead to innovative projects and ventures, serendipity opens doors to new possibilities. The Islamic teachings encourages us to surrender to the flow of life, trusting that Allah’s plan will unfold in ways that are beyond our comprehension. By embracing serendipity in our endeavors, we invite the unexpected to shape our path towards success and fulfillment.

Finding Love in Unexpected Places

Perhaps one of the most profound manifestations of serendipity is found in the journey of Love. For many, the path to finding a life partner is filled with unexpected twists and turns, guided by the mysterious hand of fate. From chance meetings that evolve into enduring love stories to serendipitous connections forged through shared experiences, marriage epitomizes the beauty of serendipity in its purest form. In Islam, the concept of Tawakul reminds us to place our trust in Allah’s plan, knowing that our paths will intersect with the right person at the right time. Through faith and patience, we embrace the serendipitous journey of marriage and partnership, guided by the belief that love will find its way into our lives when the time is right.

Serendipity and Sufism

I fell in love with Rumi and Sufism years ago and in the mystical realm of Sufism, serendipity emerges as a profound testament to the interconnectedness of all things and the divine guidance that permeates every aspect of existence. Rooted in the teachings of Islam but transcending traditional religious boundaries, Sufism invites seekers to embark on a spiritual journey marked by surrender, love, and an unwavering trust in the divine plan with absolute trust and reliance. In the Sufi tradition, serendipity is viewed not as mere chance, but as a manifestation of divine intervention — a subtle nudge from the universe guiding seekers towards their destined paths. Through the practice of surrender, Sufis cultivate a deep sense of openness to the serendipitous moments that unfold in their lives, recognizing them as signs along the mystical journey towards union with the divine.

Finding Unity in Diversity

In the Sufi tradition, love is not merely an emotion but a transformative force that binds all of creation together. Serendipitous encounters, whether with fellow seekers or unexpected mentors, are seen as opportunities to experience the divine presence in the form of human connection. Through acts of kindness, compassion, and humility, Sufis embrace the serendipitous moments that lead them closer to the source of all love — the Beloved.

Serendipity in Spiritual Practice: Cultivating Presence and Awareness

In the practice of Sufism, serendipity unfolds naturally as seekers cultivate presence and awareness through practices such as dhikr (remembrance of Allah), meditation, and contemplation. By quieting the mind and opening the heart, Sufis attune themselves to the subtle whispers of divine guidance that permeate the fabric of reality. Serendipitous moments are not seen as random occurrences but as divine revelations, offering insights and guidance on the path towards spiritual realization.

Surrendering to the Divine Plan

Serendipity serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Through the practice of surrender and trust in the divine plan, we relinquish their egoic desires and allow ourselves to be guided by the hand of the Divine.

Embracing Serendipity: A Journey of Faith, Trust, and Openness

As I reflect on the myriad serendipitous moments that have shaped my life, I am reminded of the power of faith, trust, and openness in navigating life’s journey. From the unexpected relationships and collaborations that have enriched my path to the serendipitous encounters that have led me towards greater purpose and fulfillment, I am grateful for the guiding hand of serendipity in my life. Through the lens of Islam, the concept of Tawakul reminds us to place our trust in God’s plan, knowing that each moment is unfolding exactly as it should. By embracing serendipity with open hearts and minds, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, guided by the belief that the universe has a plan far greater than we could ever imagine.

And as my Yoga Teachers always say: You Are Exactly Where You Need to be



Essraa Nawar

TV Host, TEDx speaker, Yogi, Mother of 3, Wife, Academic Librarian @chapmanu , Traveler #changethenarrative #interfaith #demistify #disruptor.