This Israeli has the hardest job in the world. What is he writing?

Israeli Dad
2 min readOct 10, 2023


Can you see the logo on the hat, or on the bags? This man volunteers for Zaka. He’s probably an orthodox Jew — most Zaka members are. You cannot convince me that there is anyone in the world today who has a more difficult job than this man. Zaka’s work is based on the Jewish principle of chesed shel emet, which means “true kindness.”

The Jewish tradition of burying a person with all of their body parts (including their blood) is based on the belief that the body is a sacred vessel for the soul. The body is seen as a gift from God, and it is to be treated with respect. When a person dies, their soul leaves their body and returns to God. However, the body remains sacred, and it is to be buried with dignity.

During the second intifada, when Palestinian terrorists would blow up public busses Zaka members were there picking up the body parts and miticulously trying to ensure that each person could be burried complete. Wherever there is a terror attack, Zaka is there to clean up. They also have an international search and rescue unit.

Today there are over 900 human beings that were murdered, executed, terrorized, raped, burned alive and decapitated. It’s expected for that number to continue to rise as only now Israel has regained control of the communities near the border with Gaza where Hamas terrorists massacred entire communities. Only now, it is safe to begin the process of identifying and preparing the dead for burial. After what Hamas did to them, the least they desereve is to be buried with dignity. These orthodox Zaka members spiritual strength and belief in G-d helps them to perform this holy task.

And if you haven’t figured it out by now, that small bag has a baby inside. This picture was taken in the town of Kfar Aza where there are 39 other bags like that, but some bags have more parts than others.

If you are disturbed by the graphic nature of this post, good!
That means you are a human!
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The world must see the atrocities of Hamas.

Learn more about the important work Zaka does



Israeli Dad

Regular guy with a wife and 3 kids who is trying to live a quiet life in Israel