Heuristic Evaluation

Issiwara Kavinda
3 min readJul 30, 2021


Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method for computer software that helps to identify usability problems in the user interface design. It specifically involves evaluators examining the interface and judging its compliance with recognized usability principles.

1. Visibility of System Status:

When the user upload/ download, He needs to wait until it appears on screen with the square box. It Depending on internet speed. There is no way for the user to know if he needs to wait or continue to the next page.

This principle states that the user should know what’s going on inside the system.

We need to give a feedback of his action associated with points of action and can be provided using a color change, loader, time-left graphics, etc.

2. Match between system and the real world:

It s important for the application to speak the language for the target user base.

3. User Control and Freedom:

This principle talks about giving the user the freedom to navigate and perform actions. The freedom to undo any accidental actions.

4. Consistency and Standards:

Consistency is the key. A Submit button in one page should look the same across the site on any page. If we show the data in a particular table format on one page, it should look the same the next time data is being shown in tabular format.

5. Error Prevention:

Ex: Outlook intuitively scans the email for such keywords and alerts the user before sending.

Ex: Correcting spellings in word,google search etc.

This is Error Prevention.

To see more information on Jakob Nielsen’s ‘How to Conduct a Heuristic Evaluation’ please see:


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