What’s the State Got to do with it?Circa 2006, Am in Mumbai, a Delhi girl, in Mumbai locals. Somehow, I manage a seat while returning from my site work. A lady asks me where…Dec 8, 2021Dec 8, 2021
Reflections and Discussions on Understanding Gender and the Control of the State…In the online course on Women and Work hosted by ISST, a session by Prof. Anandhi from Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai was…Dec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021
Women and Work: Count Them Too!Women in supervisory roles especially in the context of agriculture and also in several other small businesses , are seldom discussed but…Nov 25, 2021Nov 25, 2021
Reflections on Women’s Work and My Journey This Far…My first understanding of women and work was majorly shaped inside the domains of my household. It was not an alien concept to me. The…Nov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021
The (Em)bodied Woman Worker…The ongoing ISST’s course on ‘Women+Work: Making it Count’ has recently finished its first module on ‘Building the Scaffolding’, which were…Nov 17, 2021Nov 17, 2021
Women and Work: Making it CountActivists, researchers, policy makers and practitioners all point out that women’s economic lives are kept separate from their social and…Sep 22, 2021Sep 22, 2021