Why Sound in Film Hits You with the Feels

Big Question: Why do the soundtracks of different video types have such a big impact on the overall ambiance/feel of the film?

Isu Mizumi
2 min readFeb 23, 2017
(Image Source)

Many hit films and music videos often have a very aesthetic, acoustic appeal and draws the audience in to the spoken/unspoken narrative. I often find myself more drawn to certain films because of their great mix of sound, effects, and visuals. The comparison of a film with and without sound instill a certain type of feeling in the the viewers. The connections between different artistic mediums in one collective art piece is very interesting especially when it has the capability to have an emotional effect on the audience.

What entrances me the most about videos are the soundtracks included. Music videos and other video types tend to have interesting tracks that really match the concept that the video is trying to express and portray. It would be interesting to figure out how to employ better methods, visually and acoustically, to achieve similar moments of connection between the audience and the work. Although I’m not particularly interested in producing music, I do rather enjoy matching music with other factors in a video to create a lasting impression on the audiences that will come to watch it.

Edit (Updated 03/06/17)

Possible Resources Related to my Research Question

  1. https://sscdigitalstorytelling.pbworks.com/f/music_film.pdf
  2. http://library.whittier.edu/search~S0?/Xfilm+soundtrack+psychology+audience&SORT=DZ/Xfilm+soundtrack+psychology+audience&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBKEY=film+soundtrack+psychology+audience/1%2C17708%2C17708%2CB/frameset&FF=Xfilm+soundtrack+psychology+audience&SORT=DZ&7%2C7%2C
  3. http://library.whittier.edu/search~S0?/Xfilm+aesthetic+audience+soundtrack&SORT=DZ/Xfilm+aesthetic+audience+soundtrack&SORT=DZ&extended=0&SUBKEY=film+aesthetic+audience+soundtrack/1%2C8552%2C8552%2CB/frameset&FF=Xfilm+aesthetic+audience+soundtrack&SORT=DZ&3%2C3%2C
  4. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5406/jaesteduc.44.4.0081
  5. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2930011
  6. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=VQw5Ci7sbasC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=film+audience+aesthetic+soundtrack&ots=R41IlecFmS&sig=DloyG6Vn0AJVFSrGmsKY-g7Op2E#v=onepage&q=film%20audience%20aesthetic%20soundtrack&f=false
  7. https://www.premiumbeat.com/blog/the-undeniable-emotional-impact-of-music-in-film/
  8. http://www.e-filmmusic.de/article1.htm
  9. https://phys.org/news/2015-05-psychological-effects-music.html
  10. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.3366/j.ctt1r26bz

