How I Made an E-Commerce Website with Django

Shubham Roy
8 min readJul 4, 2020



The worldwide expansion of the internet has considerably contributed to the change of trade and store exchanges. E-commerce, or electronic commerce, largely means purchasing and additionally selling items through the internet and is ordinarily associated with online shopping. E-commerce additionally makes use of regular technological maintenance to ensure the smooth working of online store sites, monetary exchanges, just as everything to do with giving and delivering items. E-commerce measurements affirm the explosive pace at which this industry has developed as worldwide B2C e-commerce sales amounted.

Live Website Link:

GitHub Project Link:

Watch on YouTube:


Project Objective

Reach out to a larger audience — internet access is becoming so mainstream since your item/service can reach nearly everyone on the planet with an internet-enabled device.

Your virtual shop remains open and operational 24x7 even on the off chance that you/your staff are not working-this probably won’t be entirely true if your item is a service-which requires immediate human-intervention

Much of the time; you need not keep up a whole load of products — again this varies for different business models and will work great in the event that you have a decent supplier who does not default on supplies and a decent transportation partner/team who work in a state of harmony for delivery

Once your image is constructed you can diversify easily and furthermore pull out of a certain segment if that does not work out for you with insignificant losses.

Typical example will be

Also with the new crop of 3PL partners (within India) like Aramex, Delhivery etc your shipping can also be outsourced.

Technology Used


Django (Python Web Development Framework)


Tailwind CSS (CSS framework)




UI Design:

Adobe XD

Adobe Photoshop

Version Control:


Database Structure

Database Structure

Features & Modules

Features & Modules


WEB Route (Method = GET)

‘’ — Serve Shop Home HTML Page

‘/about’ — Serve About HTML Page

‘/contact’ — Serve Contact HTML Page

‘/team’ — Serve Team HTML Page

‘/man’ — Serve Man Products HTML Page

‘/woman’ — Serve Woman Products HTML Page

‘/cart’ — Serve Cart HTML Page

‘/tracker’ — Server Order Tracker HTML Page

‘/thankyou’ — Serve Thank You HTML Page

‘/productview’ — Serve Particular Product HTML Page

API Route (Method = POST)

‘/allproduct’ — Send All Product Data from Database to Frontend

‘/product-view’ — Send Particular Product Data from database To Frontend

‘/tracker’ — Send Order Track Details from Database to Frontend

‘/cheackout’ — Send Order Details from Frontend to Database

‘/sentemail’ — Send Order Confirmation Mail to Customer

‘/man’ — Send Man Products to Frontend

‘/woman’ — Send Woman Products to Frontend

API Documentation

Route —

Route —

Route —

Route —

Route —

Route —


Project Work Flow

Shop Home Page

Product Page

Cart Page

Checkout Page

Order Track Page

Man Products Page

Woman Products Page

Store The Order Into Local Storage Before Checkout

Order Confirmation Mail and Invoice

Table Structure at Admin’s End

Products Table

Order Table

Order Update Table

Future Scope

In terms of the future of e-commerce in the 21st century, experts predict promising and wonderful figures. In the foreseeable future, e-commerce will be confirmed as a significant device of sale for the products and enterprises. Successful e-commerce will become the thought which will be inseparable from the web because e-shopping is becoming more and more well known and normal. In this way, prevailing to future trends, e-commerce will have huge potential development in sales and advancement.

Each year, there is a constant development in e-commerce deals. The volumes of sales for the online store are a lot higher than the block and mortars. To the present day, the internet sales blast the establishment for a magnificent e-commerce future. To draw in more customers, owners won’t just have to increase the number of services available to them yet, in addition, have to give more consideration to such elements like design, great presentation, etc.

Advantages of eCommerce

1. A Larger Market

eCommerce permits you to reach customers everywhere throughout the nation and around the globe. Your customers can make a purchase anywhere and anytime, especially more people are getting used to shopping on their mobile devices.

2. Customer Insights Through Tracking And Analytics

Whether you’re sending guests to your eCommerce website through SEO, PPC advertisements or an old fashioned postcard, there is an approach to follow your traffic and customers’ entire user journey to get bits of knowledge into keywords, user experience, marketing message, valuing strategy, and the sky is the limit from there.

3. Fast Response To Consumer Trends And Market Demand

The streamlined coordinations, especially for merchants who do “outsource,” permit businesses to respond to market and eCommerce trends and consumer demands in a nimble manner. Merchants can likewise create advancements and deals on the fly to pull in customers and generate more sales.

4. Lower Cost

With the advance in eCommerce stage technologies, it has become very easy and affordable to set up and keep up an eCommerce store with a low overhead. Merchants no longer have to spend a large budget on TV promotions or announcement, nor stress over the expense for personnel and real estate.

5. More Opportunities To “Sell”

Merchants can just provide a limited measure of data on an item in a physical store. Then again, eCommerce websites permit the space to include more data, for example, demo videos, reviews, and customer testimonials to help increase conversion.

Disadvantages of e-commerce

1. Lack Of Personal Touch

Some consumers value the personal touch they get from visiting a physical store and interacting with sales associates. Such personal touch is especially significant for businesses selling top of the line items as customers need to purchase the merchandise as well as have a great experience during the process.

2. Lack Of Tactile Experience

Regardless of how well a video is made, consumers despite everything can’t contact and feel an item. Not to mention, it is anything but an easy feat to deliver a brand experience, which could often include the sense of touch, smell, taste, and sound, through the two-dimensionality of a screen.

3. Price And Product Comparison

With online shopping, consumers can compare numerous items and locate the lowest price. This forces numerous merchants to compete on price and reduce their overall revenue.

4. Need For Internet Access

This is pretty self-evident, however, remember that your customers do need Internet access before they can purchase from you! Since numerous eCommerce stages have features and functionalities that require fast Internet access for ideal customer experience, there’s a chance you’re excluding guests who have moderate connections.

5. Credit Card Fraud

Credit card extortion is a real and developing problem for online businesses. It can lead to chargebacks that result in the loss of revenue, penalties, and a terrible reputation.


Online shopping is the new mantra of this age and the people of India are applying this in their lives to a great extent these days. As we progress further, the development rate of online marketing in our nation will leap to the stars. As indicated by a research report — State of e-commerce in India by Commerce for ASSOCHAM, “India’s Internet base, is already the third-highest on the planet after China and the US, is developing by nearly 40% every year”. Hence, the rise of online shopping in the Indian subcontinent has been meteoric in recent years. The number of shopping websites has increased thus has the all outnumber of persons who prefer shopping online.

At long last, it very well may be said that Flipkart has become the face of online business in India. The organization is currently valued at around 1 billion dollars i.e. 5000 crores. More critically, Flipkart has ushered in the e-commerce era in India. This has generated massive interest in the e-commerce sector; people are opening websites to sell anything from shoes to apparels to jewels to infant care items etc. This has helped in creating a lot of openings for work and along these lines helps the Indian Inc. development story also.


Python Documentation —

Django Documentation —

React Documentation —


Git Documentation —

Tailwind CSS —

Heroku —


The products images are taken from Google for educational purpose only. And the live server can't be served the images of products because of free server.

