Just Say You Don't Know

I.S.U. Nedion
2 min readNov 29, 2018

Part 1

On Sunday I had the pleasure of being dragged to a Pentecostal church (yay!), ok I am being sarcastic it was torture, but it was for my elderly aunt she needed a lift.

The lovely service started with the usual dancing and singing and praying in tongues. Then the cute little children went off to their mini church and the adults stayed to prepare for the word of God. The topic was Genesis, the teaching was about creation. So the Pastor taught that God created everything, the universe, the Earth, the seas etc and then from nowhere a naughty angel called Lucifer started trying to take God’s hustle, so he got kicked out of heaven.

The sermon was going so well until a member of the congregation put his hand up and asked, ‘Where did the darkness come from?’

The Pastor paused and looked at the naive unordained gentleman. ‘It came from Satan of course.’

The man still, unsatisfied with that answer continued to probe, ‘Well if God created everything isn't he responsible for the darkness?’

‘Say what?’ gasped the rest of the congregation. The Pastor angrily glared at the man, ‘God is a pure and perfect God, there is no way he can create any darkness, he creates only light.’

‘So then God didn't create everything?’ The man asked again.

‘No!’ screamed the Pastor, fighting the urge to throw his pen at this questioning fool. ‘God is the creator of all.’



I.S.U. Nedion

A mixture of poetry, thoughts and the odd funny joke, by a closet British/Nigerian writer