FanIn-FanOut Concurrency Pattern in Golang

Understanding Go concurrency

Isuru Cumaranathunga


Concurrency is a fundamental aspect of Go programming, and the Fan-Out, Fan-In pattern is a powerful tool for harnessing its potential. This pattern allows you to distribute work across multiple goroutines (Fan-Out) and then collect the results into a single stream (Fan-In), enabling efficient and scalable concurrent processing.


In the Fan-Out stage, a single task is divided into multiple smaller subtasks, which are then executed concurrently. Each subtask is assigned to a separate goroutine, allowing for parallel processing and improved resource utilization.

Fan-out stage illustration


In the Fan-In stage, the results or outputs from all the concurrently executing subtasks are collected and combined into a single result. This stage waits for all the subtasks to complete and aggregates their results, providing a unified output. By leveraging the Fan-Out, Fan-In pattern, you can effectively tackle a wide range of concurrent processing challenges.

Fan-In stage illustration

Industry-Level Use Cases



Isuru Cumaranathunga
Writer for

I am a backend software engineer who is interested in designing concurrent and scalable applications to solve business problems.