Why Everyone Needs DevOps …

Hasnain Haider K Niazi
2 min readJun 26, 2018


New to some, old hat to many and a source of puzzlement to more than a few, there is no doubt that DevOps is a hot topic and future …

Why DevOps Is Important

DevOps describes a culture and set of processes that bring development and operations teams together to complete software development & deployment.

It allows organizations to create and improve products at a faster pace than they can with traditional software development approaches. And, it’s gaining popularity at a rapid rate.

Shorter Development Cycles, Faster Innovation :

When development and operations teams are in separate silos, it’s usually difficult to tell if an application is ready for production. With a combined development and operations team, applications are ready for use much more quickly.

Reduced Deployment Failures, Rollbacks, and Time to Recover

Time to recover is an important issue, because some failure has to be expected. But recovery is much faster when the development and operations teams have been working together, exchanging ideas and accounting for both teams’ challenges during development.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

DevOps improves the software development culture. Combined teams are happier and more productive. The culture becomes focused on performance rather than individual goals. When the teams trust each other, they can experiment and innovate more effectively.

Increased Efficiencies

Increased efficiency helps to speed the development process and make it less prone to error. There are ways to automate DevOps tasks. Continuous integration servers automate the process of testing code, reducing the amount of manual work required.

Reduced Costs and IT Headcount

Interesting - All of the DevOps benefits translate to reduced overall costs and IT headcount requirements. According to Kevin Murphy from Red Hat, DevOps development teams require 35 percent less IT staff and 30 percent lower IT costs.

Final Thoughts

The industry has spoken, and it’s implementing DevOps at a rapid rate. Organizations are eager to take advantage of faster application delivery, enhanced innovation, more stable operating environments, and performance-focused employee teams.



Hasnain Haider K Niazi

 iOS Developer & Certified Scrum Master | Mobile Apps Expert | Jira & Confluence Expert | SAFe Agilist® | Remote Team Leadership | DevOps | AWS