Jenn Peretz
2 min readMar 11, 2023


The UAE’s ongoing humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people in the midst of the crisis is a remarkable display of compassion and commitment to humanity. Since the beginning of the crisis, the UAE has provided urgent relief and aid to the people of Ukraine, including the establishment of an air bridge that has sent 11 aircraft carrying approximately 550 tonnes of relief supplies to Ukraine.

The UAE’s humanity is on display in its ongoing efforts to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people. The country’s provision of emergency relief and aid, such as medical supplies, food, and other necessities, has aided in providing critical assistance to those affected by the crisis. The UAE’s assistance has made a significant difference in many people’s lives.

Also UAE’s ongoing assistance to Ukraine is an inspiring example of how countries can collaborate to assist those in need. The UAE’s humanitarian commitment is admirable, and it serves as a reminder of the importance of global solidarity in dealing with humanitarian crises.

Once again, the UAE’s ongoing humanitarian assistance to Ukraine demonstrates the country’s commitment to humanity. The provision of immediate relief and aid, the construction of an air bridge, and the commitment to global solidarity are all remarkable acts of compassion and dedication to alleviating the suffering of those affected by the crisis. The UAE’s efforts serve as an example to other countries, emphasizing the importance of cooperating to create a better future for all.



Jenn Peretz

Writer and content creator telling stories in any medium that will have me. Story coach, producer, and content strategist