It Depends

It Depends
1 min readJul 21, 2017


I somehow managed to bypass the “write a blog about data science” stage of the job hunt, but being in the tech industry for the past couple of years has given me enough time to have thoughts on things such that I’m ready to actually start that blog. I have a few posts in mind — there’s a talk I’ve given a few times on data science careers that I’ve been meaning to write up for over a year and I want to do a recap of omgmyfavoriteconference SciPy, but we’ll grow together organically, dear reader. (And, hopefully, more frequently than my abandoned food blog.) My plan is to use this space to talk about technical topics, inclusion & diversity, career trajectory, conferences and how these and other subjects intersect with data science.

As someone in the field, I get asked questions about all sorts of things from career pathing to machine learning to who the best data science follows on Twitter are, and the answer always starts with “it depends”, hence the title.



It Depends

Musings on data science, inclusion & diversity, and tech. And of course, the answer to life the universe and everything data science is "it depends".