How the Himalayas & Shiva are Connected?


How the Himalayas & Shiva are Connected?
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I came to think that the mighty Shiva is less of a god on the hill and more an analogy representing different spiritual ideas. Coming from a Hindu family, I have grown up hearing stories about the mighty Shiva. According to the Hindu religion and mythology, the Himalayas is home to gods, particularly Lord Shiva. The heavenly seat of Lord Shiva, Mount Kailash, located in the Tibetan region, is worshipped by the four faiths of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon.
Mount Kailash and the Rakshasa Thal are situated inside the Himalayas and are home to the Shiva abode, which is blessed with divine Grace. Interestingly, in the high ranges of the Himalayas, there are 5 sacred summits blessed with the sanctity of Lord Shiva, which is considered to be His Mystic Abode. The awe and inspiration the Himalayas inspire remind us of God's powers. Many mythological stories are associated with The Himalayas. Of course, the beauty of these majestic mountains is yet another witness to God's greatness, of which we are a manifestation.

Giri-raj, or The King of Mountains, as the Himalayas are commonly called, is also a deity of its own within the Hindu pantheon. The name Himalayas means the home of the snow, and according to Hindu mythology, God Shiva, residing in the Himalayas, has a cleansing force. Tranquil but fierce to dwell on the mountain of Kailasa, which is currently located in Tibet's Himalayas.

How the Himalayas & Shiva are Connected?
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The matted-haired man's origins, as well as those of Hindu God Shiva himself, are thousands of years old. The powerful Shiva is intimately connected to the Himalayan Mountains, and thus, as you will travel through the region, be mindful of the fact that you are wandering through the realms of Shiva, the citadels and houses of Shiva.

Hindus believe Mount Kailash is Lord Shiva's home and the manifestation of paradise. According to Shivpuran (a sacred text of Hinduism), this snow-covered mountain range is the seat of Lord Siva — the destroyer of this world. Ancient Indian texts mention the Himalayas abundantly. For the Hindus, the figure, similar to the Great Grandfather, has been an abode of Gods all along, and thus Hindus call the Himalayas Devatma or the Soul of God.

More importantly than anything, the Himalayas are literally a house for the spirituality and spiritual gurus that have defined Indian history and culture for thousands of years. Whether a person is a believer or not, there is nothing that anyone, no matter what, cannot feel spiritually in the Himalayas, as opposed to any other mountain range in the world.

Many people who are unaware of the Himalayas believe that the Himalayas are natural deserts, yet they sustain populations numbering about fifty million people, as varied as the landscapes in which they reside, a place where the world's three largest religions — Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism — converging as unity in diversity.

How the Himalayas & Shiva are Connected?
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