Quantum Physics & 5th Dimension Manifestation (How it Works!) | Law of Attraction


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What quantum physicists are beginning to understand and comprehend will shock you. Quantum physics is the branch of science dealing with tiny particles. Quantum physics predicts that particles will randomly bounce around, not really having a fixed location until you take a peek.

Both quantum particles and the ether can be thought of, generally speaking, as something that is everywhere and everywhere. If the Ether can be converted to either matter or energy, magicians were here before Einstein, and E=m2 could be thought of as magic.

Just like the world around us is controlled by gravity, heat, and the other laws of physics we are generally familiar with and employ in our daily lives. Einstein's theory of special relativity basically suggests that space-time becomes distorted, felt like gravity, by larger objects such as Earth.

To make this work, Einstein needed the fifth dimension. To understand The Fifth Dimension, begin by looking at Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity. Today, scientists use the 10-dimensions and string theory to explain where gravitational forces and light in the electromagnetic spectrum meet. Quantum physics shows us there are unlimited possibilities, existing across
an infinite universe.

Every possible outcome and permutation of quantum randomness will exist within a time cube. In a universe cube, one can have any number of different initial conditions, constants, and even physical compositions. I would suggest a completely 3-dimensional universe would be just about anything possible within the one we call our own.

Once you establish a belief, that converts quantum possibilities we have imagined to physical realities of our world. I cannot completely escape the optimism, but if I encounter a theory that is completely discouraging, yet much more compelling, I go with it. Yes, we can manifest our strongest wishes by understanding the theory of quantum mechanics. Enlightenment is a peak level of consciousness, according to Professor John Hance, once achieved, we are then prepared to use manifesting techniques, as well as understand what quantum mechanics really means on the conscious level.

The Laws of Attraction is only one tool of many, such as the Divine Matrix language by Gregg Braden, The Laws of Assumption, Quantum Mechanics, etc. These will help you meet your expectations and manifest your desires.
This means you cannot create global change or transformation in your life from a 3rd dimension space of separation and limitations and expect to get results from the 5th dimension. Einstein proposed that physical laws are consistent for observers who are not speeding, regardless of their position in space, because there is no such thing as an absolute reference frame.

By appreciation we can embody the fifth Dimension of consciousness, we can fill our physique with trust, love, and light. It is thru the grace of God’s loving electricity that our DNA can be healed and pain can become light.

God is energy. We all have the potential to faucet into this energy, manifest it, and obtain it into our bodies. It’s pretty easy when you research how to launch third Dimensional electricity due to the fact recovery can’t appear in the third Dimension. The Third Dimension is the place disease, pain, and struggle reside.

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The fifth Dimension is magical. It is the place we come from. The strength of the fifth Dimension is a flawlessly balanced duality of female and masculine energy. And when you begin to go into this Dimension, the fifth Dimension — the Divine Consciousness, it’s a ride! When you’re on this ride, feeling and genuinely accepting the love mild power as it dissolves out of your body, the strength is proper of a greater fifth Dimension, and it is amazing. The Energy of God is proper electricity that you experience at some point of the healing, nothing is too great for the Holy Spirit. Scalar Energy and God can journey via all areas and times.
Despite the challenges of residing in the density of third Dimensional energies, The time for living on previous hurts, resentments, and disappointments is passed, and emotional karmas are long gone when we pass into a 5D nation of mind. This is the time of the Ascension, the time for character and collective bodily and non-secular healing, and enlargement of consciousness. The time has come to let go of the trust that to have nonsecular and private increase you have to linger in suffering. This is a false belief, and false conditioning, which have been held on to for long enough.

You can be a nonsecular warrior and flip your scars into triumphs. You can flip emotional wounds into wonderful multidimensional development to heal yourself and the world. With excessive religious energies accessible to everyone, extra and extra humans are going to hugely be healed.

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People regularly ask me why I used to be chosen to do this work. It is the soul inside me that has reincarnated to assist humans going into the Ascension. When in the drift of doing my service, I experience a joyful, ecstatic exuberance.

I radically change the power of people’s bodies, which is why I feel like an alchemist. I do this as an agent of God. I do the work I am directed to do.

As a nonsecular form, in existence and chosen many times before, this soul was selected to do this work earlier than I used be born.

I feel many human beings right here have been chosen and are going to see quickly they are healers and talented in many approaches to serve with Spirit. That's our ultimate purpose in this life.. for an ultimate version of yourself

##### Sources #####

[0]: https://shop.consciousvitality.com/master-manifestation-with-grabovoi/

[1]: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/quantum-consciousness-framework-all-manifestations-thibault-postel-1d

[2]: https://spiritualgrowthevents.com/events/manifesting-5th-dimensional-magic-workshop-rikka-zimmerman-2021/

[3]: https://sciencing.com/5th-dimension-11369444.html

[4]: https://www.rogerebert.com/roger-ebert/the-quantum-theory-of-reincarnation

Thanks for reading.

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🔴Tamal Roy💚 Blazing poetry of the REAL

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