
Itankar Anshul
7 min readMar 19, 2022


Recruitment means a way to search the future employees of the organization and stimulate qualified people to apply for job. It helps to create a pool of job seeker and improve the scope of recruitment of better employee. Recruitment actively brings together the people who are qualified and looking for job and the organizations which are searching for prospect employees. The properly executed recruitment process leads to joining and selection of suitable manpower in the organization.


There are two ways of recruitment:

1.Internal recruitment

2.External recruitment


Internal recruitment refers to hiring employees within the organization internally. In simple words ,applicants seeking for different positions are those who are currently employed with the same organization. Internal recruitment is an important aspect any organization as it save time ,money and resources as compared to external recruitment.

In case of internal sources, vacant posts are filled with organization. Mostly the following are included in it:

(1) Transfer

(2) Promotion

(3) Lay-off

(1) Transfer: It involves shifting of an employee from one job to another, one department to another or from one shift to another, without a substantive change in the responsibilities and status of the employee.

(2) Promotion: Promotion is a process by which an employee working at the lower rank is appointed to the upper rank where his responsibility increases, his status and salary are also enhanced. A post can be filled by sending an inefficient employee at some lower position. It is known as recruitment by demotion.

(3) Lay-off: It refers to the temporary separation of the employee from a employer on the initiative of the later. In most cases, the lay-off takes place due to lack of work. There is clear understanding between employer and employee that the preference will be given to that employee as and when the work will be available. Thus by recalling the laid off employees, vacant position may be filled up.


External recruitment is when the organization looks to fill the vacancy from any suitable applicant outside the organization. In other words, external recruitment is the assessment of an available pool of job candidates, other than existing staff, to see if there are any sufficiently skilled or qualified to fill and perform existing job vacancies

External sources of recruitment of employees man inviting applications for filling up the vacancies from candidates outside the organization external sources are mostly used for filling vacancies in lower ranks. Sometimes, this source is also tapped to fill special category of posts, eg, engineers, chartered accountants, etc. External sources are m and varied as compared to internal sources. It is the endeavour of every employer to select the best person from among the large number of candidates interviewed. Main external of recruitment are as under

(1) Direct Recruitment

(2) Casual Callers

(3)Media Advertisement

(4) Employment Exchanges

(5) Placement Agencies

(6) Management Consultants or Head Hunters

(7) Campus Recruitment

(8) Telecasting

(9) Web Publishing

(1) Direct Recruitment: Sometimes information about the vacant posts is pasted on boards placed at important places by the organizations. Such information is usually displayed at the Workshop, Office or the Factory Gate. People who are interested in these jobs apply for them. This method of recruitment is meant only for the recruitment of unskilled workers. They are called casual laborers. They are paid wages on daily basis. This method does not require any advertisement and is, therefore, cheap.

(2) Casual Callers: In many reputed organization some really talented and brilliant people continue sending their applications from time to time with the hope that whenever some need arises, they may come across an opportunity for appointment. A waiting list of such people is prepared and as and when some vacancy arises, these people can be called. This method does not require any advertisement and is a therefore, cheap

(3) Media Advertising: Media is an effective way of finding out employees from outside the organization. Through it people are attracted towards the organization for higher and medium-level jobs in large number. Advertisement is made with the help of newspapers, employment news, television, magazines, etc. The advertisement gives information about the number of vacant posts nature of the job, required qualifications, remuneration, etc. This enlarges the area on selection for the organization and as a result of it the appointment of good becomes possible. However, under this system sometimes a large number of applicants send their applications which results in a loss of time and money.

(4) Employment Exchanges: Employment exchanges are set up by the government all the districts Name and other particulars of a job seeker are recorded in the employment register. Under this system, personnel managers forward information regarding vacant jobs to the employment exchanges concerned. Employment officer in turn forward the names of applicant to the organization.

(5) Placement Agencies: These days placement agencies are coming up as a good source of external recruitment. These agencies are established by private individuals. People their names registered with them. Such a registration is done usually for high or medium level jobs. On the request of an organization, these agencies do the whole job of recruit on behalf of the organization. They get their fee for rendering this service from organization. They are helpful in establishing a balance between the demand and supply of Top Executives on the national level.

(6) Management Consultants or Head Hunters:

These days management consultants are available in the market. These firms are experts in the recruitment of Middle Level and Top management consultancy firms help Level Executives. In case of a vacant managerial to fill vacancies of middle level and post in an organization their help can be get fees for rendering this service sought. These firms are already in contact with suitable candidates for the managerial posts. Whenever a demand is placed before them they offer their candidates for such posts. For rendering this services they get their commission. These firms also perform the job of advertisement for recruitment when request is made to them.

(7) Campus Recruitment:

It refers to recruitment from educational institutions .Some big organizations remain in touch with the educational institutions with the purpose of recruiting young talented people. These persons come from colleges, universities, management institutes, technical institutes, etc. These institutions have a placement cell each purpose of helping their young students to find suitable jobs. The human resource ma of various companies get in touch with these placement cells and obtain the suitable p for appointment.

(8) Telecasting: These days some big organizations give precedence to telecasting their job requirements. During the course of telecasting information about vacant posts, required qualifications and experience, possible remuneration and the special characteristics of the company are displayed.

(9) Web Publishing: These days internet has become an important medium for recruitment. Special websites have been created for the purpose of recruitment through internet. The applicants get information through them about the vacant posts and required qualifications. People having the required qualifications can get in touch with the company needing their services. Some of the very popular websites are,, and etc.


There are three steps to getting a successful referral through LinkedIn:





•Find people who are working in your target company. Prefer people who are working in the same domain. As in, if you’re a frontend developer, it is better to ask a frontend developer to refer you for the available position. They can judge you better based on your resume and your skills.

  • LinkedIn allows you to send messages to a limited number of people. Prefer people who’ve been active on LinkedIn in the past one month. Here, activity means a like/comment/post/share.


•Follow these DOs and DONTs to decide what to send.

•Cut the small talk and get to the point. Don’t drop a “Hi” and wait for the other person to respond back to continue the conversation.

•Provide proper context. Don’t just send a straight “Can you refer me?” without any context.

•Keep the message informative. Send your message with the proper job id and URL of the opening (from company career page, LinkedIn, etc.).

•Sell yourself. If you’ve something to showcase, mention that.

•Example: any tech talk that you’ve delivered, any open-source contributions that you have made, your personal website, etc.


Recruiting has drastically changed in the past decade. Businesses are rapidly growing their workforce in an increasingly competitive landscape. The job market is changing. Not only are companies searching for new skill sets and talents, but the way that businesses find their ideal candidates has been turned on its head as well. Social recruiting refers to the process of recruiting candidates through social media platforms, like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and other websites, including online forums, job boards and blogs. Social recruiting is also referred to as social media recruiting, social hiring and social recruitment

How does social recruiting work?

•Potential applicant can direct message on Facebook.

•Tweet links identifying potential candidates on LinkedIn.

•Sending a to available positions, and include relevant hashtags to build long-term cohesion.

  • Post employee photos on your organization’s Instagram account with a message encouraging others to join your team, apply for open positions (with links), or add their resume to your recruiting pool.
  • Creating videos to share on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram pages that highlight and outline your organization’s culture










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