The Fastest way to have Less Money

Hafsat Itanola
2 min readNov 23, 2022


Photo Source: Towfiqu-Barbhuiya (Unsplash)

Spending money to show people how much money you have is the fastest way to have less money. — Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

Hopefully, when next you get the impulse to buy luxury items, you will take a moment to think of the reason you would want to purchase it

Is it because you need it?

Or merely because of the attention that comes with it?

We both know you can get a standard quality of that same product at a relatively cheaper rate.

kindly bury that idea, and move past whatever it is that is calling your attention to becoming a wasteful spender.

Wealth isn’t the luxury clothes you wear or the expensive car you purchased on loan; I bet you need a reminder that if you spend money on things, you will end up with things and not money.

Wealth is financial assets that haven’t yet been converted into stuff that you can see.

To become wealthy means to purchase investments whenever you get the urge to spend money

Rather than buy a dress that might end up as a decoration item in your wardrobe, purchase an ETF and watch it appreciate.

It’s more pleasurable when you Netflix and chill knowing fully you own part of Netflix shares and it would appreciate because the world is filled with many like you who enjoy streaming movies.

You feel that?

Now that’s how to become financially free!

Welcome to this space money bird,

It’s only a matter of time till you become financially free



Hafsat Itanola

This is a personal finance blog where I share actionable tips to building lasting financial wellness.