Beyond FastAPI: The Evolution of Python Microservices in 2024 with PyNest

3 min readNov 9, 2023


TL;DR: PyNest emerges as the superior framework for building APIs and microservices in Python, addressing and resolving key issues found in FastAPI. With its modular architecture and advanced features, PyNest is poised to be the go-to choice for Python developers in 2024 and beyond.

As the Python ecosystem continues to mature, the quest for the optimal framework for creating microservices becomes increasingly critical. FastAPI has been a frontrunner, outshining Flask and Django with its speed and ease of use. However, modern applications' complex and evolving demands, especially those in the AI domain, necessitate a more robust solution.

PyNest — framework that built on top of FastAPI and follows the modular architecture of NestJS
PyNest — follows the modular architecture of NestJS

The Rise of FastAPI Over Flask and Django

FastAPI has earned its reputation by providing developers with a fast, type-safe, and easy-to-use framework for building APIs. Its asynchronous capabilities and automatic OpenAPI documentation have been particularly beneficial for developers working on AI-powered applications, which require efficient request handling and clear API specifications.

The Limitations of FastAPI in a Complex Application Landscape

Despite its advantages, FastAPI’s architecture struggles to keep up as applications scale. The framework’s lack of modularity can result in unwieldy codebases that are hard to maintain and extend — issues that become increasingly problematic in the fast-paced world of AI services.

The Rise of FastAPI

Introducing PyNest: The Solution to Scalability and Maintainability

PyNest addresses the shortcomings of FastAPI by offering a modular architecture that facilitates the development of large-scale applications. This approach is especially crucial for services that need to adapt quickly to the changing needs of AI models and data processing workflows.

Why PyNest is the Future of Python Microservices

With PyNest, the Python community has a framework that combines the performance benefits of FastAPI with an architecture designed for growth and flexibility. It’s a framework built for the future, enabling developers to create scalable, maintainable, and testable services that are essential for the next generation of applications. The combination of controllers, services, and providers makes it scalable and easy to integrate with 3rd party modules.

Controllers are the heart of PyNest Architecture

Embracing PyNest for Future-Proof Python Microservices

As we look to the future, PyNest stands out as the strategic choice for Python microservices. It’s a framework that aligns with the evolving landscape of software development, where adaptability and robustness are key. By choosing PyNest, developers are equipping themselves with a toolset that’s ready for the challenges and opportunities of the coming years.

In conclusion, while FastAPI has played a pivotal role in the development of Python APIs, PyNest takes it a step further, offering solutions to the challenges faced by today’s developers. It’s time to make the switch to PyNest and ensure that your microservices are built on a foundation that’s ready for the future of Python and AI.





Building Data Infrastructure @Lemonade | Ex-Meta | Author of PyNest - Python framework built on top of FastAPI that follows the modular architecture of NestJS