Andrew Dart

Jan 27, 2024

37 stories

2 saves

Futuristic & Science Fiction Short Stories

I originally planned to publish this story in The Kraken Lore, but the story got too long for their first time submission guidelines, so what the heck - I turned it into a multipart story. Enjoy!
Is he or isn't he? Guess you're going to have to read part 3 to find out.
I've never written anything so violent (I mean with so much "action"). Don't worry, everything becomes clear in part 4.
The true meaning behind The Trinity is revealed. Hope you enjoyed this story.
I had some feedback that I'd not exploited the technology to see the dark ramification that could result from using it. I had deliberately not included them in the first story due to length. So I wrote this epilogue to give these ideas a treatment. Thanks Malic!
The Olmecs, the Mayans, and the other mysterious civilizations from mesoamerica are the subject of this story.
An alien who's been assigned ownership of the Earth, comes home to find it's been infested with humans. He gives them one month to leave!
The humans remaining on Earth after eviction, await their fate at the hands of an alien landlord.
This is another humorous Sci-Fi yarn. I initially thought of this as a grocery store in space, but the idea gradually evolved into what you see here. I hope you enjoy it.
I enjoyed twisting the threat of Alien invasion. I did a bunch of research on Milankovitch Cycles, but ended up only obliquely referring to it. See if you can find the easter egg I included about the Alien leader. Enjoy.
I did a lot of research and prep work for this story. I did write ups for all the characters and even for some that didn't make it into the story - the Abscala General and the Emperor's wife and children. I also worked out a timeline for the scientific achievements of the Abscala to ensure it was internally consistent - at least to my limited brain. Hope you enjoy it. If I get enough claps I'll write the sequel.
I had this story in the back of my mind, but I hadn't found the vehicle to tell it. The character of Victor was the key. After that inspiration, the story basically wrote itself.
This is the 3rd attempt to write this story. It's another in my "Victor" files - the truth is NOT out there. If you leave a tip for me on this story, I'll publish the other versions. I hope you enjoy it.
The science part of this story was born at the same time as the multiverse and dark energy stories. However, I couldn't think of a good way to tell this story with Victor, until I was looking at Christmas gifts. After that, it only took a few hours to write!
This one started out from a simple premise. I almost didn't write it. But I got quite emotionally attached to this story - cried a lot as I wrote it. It was the first time to include some poetry as part of the plot. I hope you enjoy it.
I think this story needs to be much longer. I deliberately left some significant gaps for the reader to fill in, and there were some vignettes I wanted to explore - the preacher in front of his congregation and the mass murderer on the bus. Also, I wanted the ending to have a punch - I still might revise it as I'm not happy. "The Other", I mentioned in the beginning - I could change the ending to tie that loose end off. In any case, I hope you like the story. P.S. I changed it, ha ha!
I really like the opening of this one - you don't realize how ambiguous it is, as the opening line is not attributed to anyone. The reader assumes it's John speaking. By the end of the story, it could be the Aliens. I had so much fun writing this - it only took a few hours. I'm learning to write characters, and I made some growth in this story. I hope you enjoy it.
This story came to me in the evening after I published the Grax story. It was a hoot to write. I channelled my experiences of driving the kids across the country for one part - see if you can guess which part :-)
I was channeling Douglas Adams in this one. I wrote an outline for this as a serious article back in April 23, but let it sit because it was boring. Turning the Gardener into a wag made it click in my mind - I realized humor is a great way to get "out there" concepts into peoples' minds. I plan to write many more in this vein.

Andrew Dart

Andrew Dart

Traveler, technologist, thinker, dreamer, writer, sci-fi geek, and Pokémon Go addict (in recovery).