So You Want to be a Developer?

3 min readJun 16, 2016



TL;DR. No college degree required. No yet another Web site to join other than Twitter, Medium and GitHub. Just follow us on Twitter (itmarketplc) for the guidebooks when it is published for a minimal fee. Then, you will get your certificate after passing the multiple-choice style test using Telegram!

A developer or computer programmer seeks to find the easiest solution to a problem.

At ITMarketplace, we have our own rules. It is “anything goes”.

Because the IT industry right now is a mess, we are on a mission:

To sustain a fun and meaningful IT Marketplace anytime, anywhere.

Just click HERE

That is, while we believe work ethic is important, however your personal life is more important. You have to read at least some articles to acquaint yourself with the philosophy of our community.

If you have other questions, you can reach me at gani dot mendoza at gmail dot com

Here are the guidelines. Every track is self-paced.

But there are three minimal requirements:

  • Must have GitHub account
  • Must have Twitter account
  • Must have Medium account

I expect anyone who is interested in this Developer Course to tweet your experience or any concern at @itmarketplc. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.

Just remember. There is no teacher/student relationship.

Instead, it is more of master/apprentice relationship.

Think of it like this: You won’t waste money in ludicrous IT colleges.

But you have to invest time and energy (capital).

This is what we will expect of you during the course of your learning.

Code Capital

  • Build content on this blog
  • Build tools using Go
  • Build HTML-based presentation (based on reveal.js and the like)
  • Build arguments on this blog (speak your mind)
  • Write software reviews
  • Write gist from conference presentations uploaded to YouTube
  • Expand the best practices toolset (unearth useful tools, blog about it and submit it here)
  • And to sum it all, we do all of this because usability is the name of the game

Jumpstart Track (Total Newbies)

  • Golang Basics
  • LiteIDE (for uniformity)
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
  • HTTP, CLI, Caddy Web server
  • Assignments: To be given

Messaging Track (Prerequisite: Jumpstart Track)

Docker Track (Prerequisite: Messaging Track)

  • Translate your knowledge about virtual machines in Messaging Track to principles of containers
  • Docker Fundamentals (single node)

Distributed System Track (Prerequisite: Docker Track)

  • Docker 1.12+ in Swarm mode

The first three tracks are just the basics.

Once you have gained mastery of the basics, you have no more fear to conquer the distributed system track.

As a matter of fact, the distributed system track is optional.

It is there for those who have just enough experience in real-life production environment in small-and-medium sized businesses.




The marketplace for Go / Docker / Meiosis.js developers