Get a Clear Vision with this 30 minutes exercise
Get a Clear Vision with this 30 minutes exercise

Get a Clear Vision with this 30 minutes exercise!

3 min readJan 10, 2024


Take out a pen and paper; follow this trick with silence you will get a clear vision in just 30 minutes.

Most people feel brain fog in their middle age or in late twenties. Most of us are not doing what we wanted to do as a kid, a few of us are lucky enough to work in the domain we always aspire but still feel no excitements in doing that tasks. No more worries now, I am going to give you my secret recipe of enjoying life with doing the things I like to do.

Love what you do; do what you love.

But I am unaware what I love? here is the solution for you, take out a pen and paper and start making points —

10 years goals

Write down your 10 years goals on paper, whatever they could be? Don’t worry about your current strength, status or anything blocking you to achieve that. This article has the solution to achieve them. In first 8–10 minutes just write down all 10 years goals.

3 years goals

You have already written all those 10 years goals, now just underline all those which you want to achieve in next 3 years. At this point you might feel that you have missed something, don’t worry just add that and underline that too.

1 year goals

By now you must be feeling great as you have listed down your goals. But I have not finished it to the final state. Mark read them again and mark a star in front of all those which you want to achieve in next one year.

Now you have clear vision, next step is to create your action plan. This is something you must have already done multiple times, whether you were planning for your project, trip, games or even studies.

Next 90 days action plan

Get ready with your next 90 days action plan, write down the measurable tasks. These tasks should have a clear goals, which will help you to mark them to complete/done after you achieve it.

Think What instead of How?

After writing all these your default instinct might be “How will I achieve it?”; but here you have to change it “What should I do or learn to achieve it?

By this time you might have a thought I need a mentor, but I…

Have no mentor?

Take out another 30 minutes to write down 10 names, who can help you to get there?

Your tasks is to note down the name, what you can learn from them? What attracts you to put his name?

Send a polite help request

As mentioned in multiple stories, people feel good in offering help and feel bad in asking it. You are follower of this Medium page, so you should not feel bad in asking help because these helps are not for you, you are asking it so that you become capable to offer this help to others.

What important points you should take care about?

Mention, why are you approaching them? How can they offer a help to you and most important what is you action plan. Mention these mandatory details in your style. You can directly call them or text or WhatsApp them. Feel free to take the advise from someone who have already spend more than 1000 times efforts into that skill which you are lacking.

Wrapping Up!

These are the blueprints I have been using for more than 2 decades. By now you get the clear vision if followed honestly. Probably you have got your mentor’s name too. Just be focused and work consistently on it. Don’t let the energy fade away as a motivation. I am on mission to see everyone happy and successful, which will help me to increase the overall Happiness Index of my country.

PS: Ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes, wrote in one break of 11 minutes. Just to keep my steak alive.

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Learning Psychology; Practicing consistency; Sharing Knowledge because "Sharing is Caring" :)