Learnings from a tech celebrity — Steve Jobs: Book Summary

4 min readOct 31, 2023


Book Cover

I love to tell the stories so I am telling my story today. I grew up in India playing with computer codes and video games. The day I heard about Macintosh, I got a desire to see the brain behind it but after using Macintosh it turn into one of the 4 famous personalities I want to meet in person. On October 5, 2011 this desire slashed into pieces. Fortunately on Sept 25, 2022; I visited into a book store and found his picture on a book.

It was Book titled “Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson”, I took it and read the whole book in the store in one sitting before the sunset that day. I felt like I met that Tech Celebrity, book explained his life in very good way. I am going to give a try to summarise it here.

This extensive study of Mr. Walter digs into Jobs’ personal and professional path, his effect on the world of technology and the finer points of his personality and leadership style. I found too many learnigns from the book.

The biography opens with describing Steve Jobs’ childhood and early years, emphasising his unusual personality and the events that would define his destiny. Jobs’ route brought him to college after a childhood filled with experimentation and curiosity, where he acquired an interest in calligraphy and design, aspects that would later influence his approach to product aesthetics at Apple.

Embrace your own personality, no need to copy others because they won’t be able to play the role universe defined for you. — An Avid Reader.

Isaacson dives into Jobs’ relationships with important individuals in his life, including his adopted parents, biological family and his early business partner, Steve Wozniak. These relationships, which were defined by volatility and reconciliation, laid the groundwork for Jobs’ professional success.

The book follows Steve Jobs from the beginnings of Apple Computer in his parents’ garage to the company’s stratospheric growth and final demise as CEO. It illustrates the complexity of his personality, including his perfectionism, unyielding standards, and a “reality distortion field” that forced others around him to achieve the unattainable.

The era when Jobs left Apple and formed NeXT and purchased Pixar is thoroughly examined. Jobs had a larger perspective for technology and movies during this period. He was instrumental in revolutionising the animation business and was the driving force behind Pixar’s blockbuster success.

Jobs’ successful return to Apple, the development of famous devices such as the iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad; and the creative approach he took in revolutionising consumer electronics and computers are all covered in the book. The book delves into his managerial style, his obsession with design and user experience, and his ability to motivate teams to create game-changing ideas.

Jobs’ unwavering quest of perfection is one of the book’s key themes. Jobs was unrelenting in his quest of quality, whether it was the design of a product, the user interface of a gadget, or the aesthetics of an Apple Store.

Irrespective of the life, position and location, downside and clashes appears in everyone’s life so does in Steve’s life, there are examples mentioned in the book about clashes with other business titans like Microsoft’s Bill Gates. Their friendship was marked by antagonism but it also had periods of mutual respect and cooperation.

Reading this book I got to know he had both inspiring and irritating personality at the same time, because of his brutal and demanding too demanding management style. At the same time many of his quotes and visionary decisions are really inspiring, getting his biography written is also on of them.

Jobs’ health problems and battle with a rare form of pancreatic cancer are addressed in the book. Despite his impending death, Jobs continued to work on new inventions until his death; which is really inspiring for new generation.

Steve Jobs’ influence on the technology sector, business, and society is evident, and the book focuses on his lasting legacy. His ability to seamlessly merge technology, design, and user experience made a lasting imprint on the globe, and Apple became a symbol of innovation.

Finally, Walter Isaacson’s “Steve Jobs” takes a deep and personal look at the life of one of our time’s most prominent individuals. It provides a thorough insight of Steve Jobs, his intricacies, and the guiding ideas that fueled his success. Whether you’re a computer fanatic or simply interested in the life of an incredible person, this biography takes you on a riveting and illuminating trip through the life of Apple Inc.’s co-founder.

My Favourite quotes from Steve Jobs

Stay hungry, stay foolish.

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Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

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The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

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Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your inner voice.

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Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

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It’s more fun to be a pirate than to join the navy.

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Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.




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