A 21-Day Path to Peace!

The 4 Steps to Regain Control Over Your Mind

Feeling overwhelmed? Break free from negativity and regain control with mindfulness, self-challenge, trigger awareness, and healthy boundaries.

3 min readJun 23, 2024
Photo by Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Are you the one who is feeling sad even after making any decisions?

Or you too are feeling that life was too smooth as a kid but adulting is hitting hard on life.

Sad but true, the algorithms of multi billionaire applications freely spread over internet, don’t want you to stay in peace. Why? because your sadness is the trigger to get into their territory. Getting your attention into their apps is the prime way for their earning. While your mental peace is your cost for getting that temporary dopamine. In today’s article, I am not going to focus on how to get out of those application’s tarp. I have already written about them, if my time allows then I will tag the link in this article later otherwise you can just check into my stories on this page. But this article will give you four steps formula to regain peace of your mind.

Let’s jump into the process to regain control of your own mind within 21 days.

1. Practice Mindfulness, mindfulness is the ability to focus your attention on the present moment without being judgemental. This involves observing your thoughts as an external energy without being submerged into them. By being more aware about them you can easily choose how to react to them. Another easy way to achieve it is to gradually increasing the difficulty of your tasks, when your mind is too busy doing the tasks it will give you a state of trans.

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

2. Challenge Negative Thoughts, our mind is too good in generating the negative thoughts because they used to help us preventing from any potential threats. But that might or might not the case in present scenario so just by asking counter questions to your mind you can easily get out of endless negative thoughts. Ask yourself questions like: “Is it realistic?”, “Is this thought serving any purpose?” or “is this thought helpful?”. Develop a mental habit of changing your negative thoughts into positive thoughts or the realistic one.

3. Identify Your Triggers, your negative emotions or bad habits, like mindless scrolling or getting out of the focus is because of either some external factors or lack of a powerful purpose. If it is because of lack of purpose find your purpose and start enjoying it. Otherwise certain people, places, situations or events are the main cause and can trigger negative thoughts or unpleasant emotions. Try to identify those triggers and then you can plan a healthy way to cope up with them.

4. Setting Boundaries, no one on this planet has the abilities to do everything, thus don’t you. You have to set clear boundaries for your relationships with everyone. Find out your non-negotiable and learn how to say ‘no’ if someone asks you to do them. This will allow you to save your energy, time and attention. Help you to get a better sleep and feeling rejuvenated.

Remember, gaining control over your mind takes time and consistent effort. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. If you do follow these steps mentioned above daily, you will see the greater results in 90 days and it will be visible to the people in your vicinity within 10 months.

You will find a different kind of peace inside your head and a classic glow in your face, that high vibrational glow.




Learning Psychology; Practicing consistency; Sharing Knowledge because "Sharing is Caring" :)