Life Lesson | Stop fearing discomfort.

The Real Key to Wealth

Forget the hype of “dream big” — unlock the true key to achievement. Discover how embracing discomfort can fuel your focus, build resilience and propel you towards your goals.

3 min read5 days ago


The Real Key to Wealth

You all have been lied for ages, that wealth comes from dreaming big. No my chaps wealth or success might come or not by dreaming big; but it will definitely brings you loneliness. When you are dreaming big and running on the path to achieve your dreams, you are loosing out all those loyal friends who did not want to chase the same dreams.

The real key to success is “your pain tolerance”.

When you will become disciplined towards the pain tolerance, you will stay focused on the goal because you have opted some difficulties and difficult things not come easy. They test your ability, in the form of pain. You should learn how to tolerate the pain. I know you are disciplined because you brush your teeth daily without a miss. You just need to shift that discipline towards correct direction.

You have to do the work for achieving pain tolerance, no articles like this or watching endless motivational videos can give you that. Are you ready? Here are my ways to learn the pain tolerance and can be chosen by anyone, until their subconscious accepts that they are pain tolerant.

Getting Up Early

Getting up early in the dark is painful in start, you might not feel to get out of your bed when alarm rings. You might feel it is still the night, why do you get up. But all these things will go away with in initial a few weeks of your journey to pain tolerance. Then you will become used to it, then you will start getting up early without even using your alarm. That time you will feel the real power.

Body Weight Mastery

Ancient Yogis used to do such activities but we all are running behind the comfort and don’t even think to give any difficulties to our body. If you are new you can start by simple pushups, little intermediate do pushups on your fist, little advance try to do body plank, if advance no need to tell you might already know multiple progressions. Just keep pushing your body’s limits.

Pain of Cold Shover in Winters

Most men and women find is luxury to use hot water shower. I am not going to share the negatives of hot water or the positives of having cold water shower in morning. If you want you can Google the details or use any search engine of your choice. But taking cold water shower might feel difficult in start but when you start doing it daily you will get multiple benefit along with pain tolerance.

By now you have learnt three ways to pain tolerance, but the next one alone will give you almost 50% power of your pain tolerance.

Pain of Rejections

I see many people procrastinate, delay or avoid any activity because of the “Pain of Rejections”. My chap first you need to shift your mindset that rejection is not your rejection, it is the rejection of your state that doesn’t meet the requirement of the time (position/person/situation/anything).

Second, rejections are your best coaches of life. They give you space to think, prepare, learn and grow. You have already mastered three type of pain tolerance, your body is now friend with the pain, it will not try to jump into flight mode because it is habitual to it from your past actions. It will ally your brain to take actions to empower you to become a better version of yours.

If you do all these steps correctly, you will become immune to pain and pain will empower you, You will start enjoying pain, get profit out of pain.

Success not comes to those who wanted it badly or work the hardest but success comes to those who know how to hold the pain and how to transform it into profit.

This might be the reason every successful person has a painful story. Because that pain came to transform them. Next time don’t whine about any problem instead honour the pain.

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Learning Psychology; Practicing consistency; Sharing Knowledge because "Sharing is Caring" :)