My Friends Dorm

Dionny Santos
5 min readOct 11, 2015


Hello World! Have you ever wonder how it feels living in a dorm at Western Washington University Located at Bellingham, Washington? There’s a lot of things you can do in a dorm. You could study, party, eat, listen to music, watch TV or a movie, go to bed, hang with your friends, and of course to relax. But it’s too sad for me because my senior year I didn’t do scholarship and didn’t have enough money to live on campus. I wanted to live on the dorm because I wanted to experience the college life. But that’s okay cause I have my friend’s dorm.

There’s many places you can stay at Western. There is Nash Hall, Mathes Hall, Ridgeway, Higginson Hall, and etc. But my most favorite is the Fairhaven. So if you have a kids, grandkids, friend’s, and etc that are going to Western, Fairhaven is the place to be!

Fairhaven Stack 2 is a cold and quiet place! The first time I went there, I was confused because there was a playground. But it was for the preschool. Fair haven makes you feel that you’re in a camp site or at mountain school cause of the trees, trials, and leaves falling of the trees. And that’s why I chose Fairhaven because not only it’s relaxing but I have a place to stay while waiting for my next class. There’s a table that I could do my homework while my friend is doing something else, a chair I could you to read my books, a microwave to heat up my food, and fridge to put my drinks and food. They’re sharing the floor with other 17 people. The people there are sweet, nice, and friendly. The room has two bed that I help set up because they were having a hard time. Specially when we didn’t have the right tools and so went back home to get the right tools. One bathroom that they sure with another two people aka suitemates. Their suitemates are so nice that they even gave me a cookies and cupcakes, I felt like was part or the floor. There’s two desks that they use to study or do homework. I bought them a grey soft carpet to make the room look even nicer. And a white soft chair so that whenever they’re tired they can just sit down and relax. And also I can use it when I’m waiting for my next class.

My friends didn’t move in until 2 days before school started, so it was stressful helping them because they had so many clothes. To add on to the stress, we had to keep going back and forth from Bellingham to Mount Vernon. Traveling back and forth was fun, but the exhaustion just added on to my stress. And so that’s one of the hardest thing about living in a dorm, so tell your kids to get ready for a stressful first day of school if they’re going to Western.

On the first day of school I stayed the night because we were still fixing the room at 12:23 am on Wednesday night before the first day school. It was a struggle for me because I had no bed to sleep on to so I just slept on the floor. But my friends were so nice that they let me borrow their pillow and blanket. The first night we couldn’t sleep cause of how nervous we were but the good side about it, is that my class started at 12:00 pm and it’s the only class I had that day. When we woke up my friend was kind of late to class, so I helped them out. I was even wearing my pajama and we were running around red square cause we couldn’t find the class. But in end we did. My number one advice for incoming students is to know where your class are before school starts so that you wont get lost.

Before my class started, me and my other friend went to eat breakfast. At breakfast we were about to leave, but then I spilled sauce onto my jacket. There was nothing I could do to fix the spill on my jacket since it was my only clothes. Because I didn’t live on campus I couldn’t change out of my clothes, so I was forced to go to class and I didn’t know what to expect. However, when I went to class I started to feel okay since nobody seemed to notice and people were friendly. Western have the sweetest and nicest student ever, so you don’t have to worry about leaving your kids at Western.

When my class ended, I had no more class that day. And I was thinking what should I do. I don’t have a dorm to stayed in and my bus to get home doesn’t get here until 6:15 pm. So I remember my friend lives on campus. And it was prefect because they were done with there classes too and so I called them and ask if I could hang there for now and they let me. We went out and ate at the Vikings Common. I didn’t have a meal plan and so my friend uses her guest meal to me.

There’s a lot of pros and cons about hanging out at my friend’s dorm. My cons are that I can’t stay and go to soccer games, clubs, and activities that is happening at western because I have to go back home and I can’t stay the night a lot at my friend’s dorm. And I have to drive or ride the bus on the way to western. But my pros are that I have two friends that live on campus and that I could hang out with and relax. And although I’m saving a lot of money off campus, my friend’s dorm is the place to be. So if you’re new to Western Washington University and looking to have that college experience, I recommend hanging out at Fairhaven Stack 2!

