Kafka/Zookeeper cluster on kubernetes

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5 min readOct 25, 2018

Some background

Kafka is Fast, Scalable, Durable, and Fault-Tolerant publish-subscribe messaging system which can be used to real time data streaming. We can introduce Kafka as Distributed Commit Log which follows publish subscribe architecture. Zookeeper is distributed systems configuration management tool. Kafka uses Zookeeper to mange Electing a controller, Cluster membership, Topic configuration, Manage Quotas, Access control etc.

Kakfa and Zookeeper services can run with docker containers. You can find more information about running single node kafka and zookeeper with docker from here. In this article I will explain how to deploy multi node kafka/zookeeper cluster with docker and kubernetes. All the related source codes of this article published on gitlab.

Kubernetes setup

I have deployed two node kubernetes cluster on AWS. It contains one master node(ip — and one agent node(ip — Master node itself act as an agent node, so I can deploy pods on it. I’m gonna setup two node kafka cluster with two node zookeeper cluster on this setup.

Deploy zookeeper cluster

Kafka required zookeeper as the coordination services. First I need to deploy two node zookeeper cluster.

Zookeeper deployment

I’m gonna create create zookeeper deployment to deploy two zookeeper containers/pods zookeeper1 and zookeeper2. Following is the zk-deployment.yaml.

These containers expose 2181, 2888, 3888 ports. Clients can connects to zookeeper with 2181 port. Nodes using 2888, 3888 ports to connect with other nodes in the cluster.ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_1 and ZOOKEEPER_SERVER_2 environment variables are using to define the hosts of zookeeper nodes in the cluster. These variables are setup with zoo1 and zoo2 which are the name of the kubernetes services. (In next section we are discussing how to create these two services). Now I can create the deployment with kubectl.

# create deployment
kubectl create -f zk-deployment.yaml
# view pods
kubectl get pods

It should deploy two zookeeper containers/pods.

Zookeeper service

Then I need to setup two kubernetes services zoo1 and zoo2 for my two zookeeper containers. Following is the zk-service.yaml.

These services expose 2181, 2888, 3888 ports. Finally I’m assigning zookeeper1 pod for zoo1 service and zookeeper2 pod fo zoo2 service. Now I can create the services with kubectl.

# create service
kubectl create -f zk-service.yaml
# view services
kubects get services

It should deploy two services with zoo1 and zoo2.

Deploy kafka cluster

Now I have deployed two nodes zookeeper cluster. Next step is to setup two node kafka cluster with connecting to the previously deployed zookeeper cluster.

Kafka deployment

First I need to create kafka deployment to deploy two kafka broker containers/pods kafka1 and kafka2. Following is the kafka-deployment.yaml.

Kafka container expose 9092 port for clients. It uses KAFKA_ADVERTISED_HOST_NAME environment variable to define IP address which kafka broker is running. External clients(external to kunernets cluster) can connect to kafka via this IP address. This value is set to the kafka broker pod running host’s IP address(more info in below section). At the end it uses KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT to define endpoints of zookeeper cluster(these endpoints exposes with kubernetse services). Now I can create the deployment with kubectl.

# create deployment
kubectl create -f kafka-deployment.yaml
# view pods
kubectl get pods

It should deploy two kafka containers/pods.

Kafka service

Then I need to setup two kafka services kaf1/kaf2 and assign the kafka deployments to them. Following is the kafka-service.yaml.

These services expose 9092 port which is the client port. Most importantly it uses externalIPs field to define external IP addresses to this services. These IP addresses are setup with kunernetes node’s IP addresses. For an example is the kubernetes master node’s IP address(kaf1 service is running on the master node). By using this IP addresses external client’s can connect to kafka cluster which running on kubernetes. Finally I’m assigning kafka1 pod for kaf1 service and kafka2 pod for kaf2 service. These services can deploy with kubectl.

# create services
kubectl create -f kafka-service.yaml
# view services
kubectl get services

It should create two services.

Test with kafkacat

Now everything is setup. I can create the kafka topics and work with them. To test the kafka I‘m using the kafka command line client kafkacat. With kafkacat can I can do various operation on kafka. For an example list topics, create topics, create publisher/consumers etc.

Install kafkacat

You can install kafkacat with apt in linux or brew on macos. I hope it’s available for other distributions as well. In this example I’m using it with linux.

# linux
sudo apt-get install kafkacat
# macos
brew install kafkacat

List topics

In our example, I can connect to one of the kafka broker on or and list the available topics.

# command
kafkacat -L -b <kafka broker host>:<kafka broker port>
# example
kafkacat -L -b
kafkacat -L -b

In this example I’m connecting to kafka broker on

Create publisher

I’m gonna create publisher for a topic call senz and publish the messages to that topic. If the given topic name does not exists, below command will automatically create a topic with given name.

# command 
kafkacat -P -b <kafka broker host>:<kafka broker port> -t <topic>
# example
kafkacat -P -b -t senz

In here publisher connecting to kafka broker on node.

Create consumer

In here I’m creating a consumers for topic senz from kafka broker on node.

# command 
kafkacat -C -b <kafka broker host>:<kafka broker port> -t <topic>
# example
kafkacat -C -b -t senz


  1. https://medium.com/@itseranga/kafka-and-zookeeper-with-docker-65cff2c2c34f
  2. http://www.defuze.org/archives/351-running-a-zookeeper-and-kafka-cluster-with-kubernetes-on-aws.html
  3. https://www.admintome.com/blog/ultimate-guide-to-installing-kafka-docker-on-kubernetes/
  4. https://better-coding.com/building-apache-kafka-cluster-using-docker-compose-and-virtualbox/

