5 Ways to Be a Content Guru

Jessica Ann
5 min readJun 23, 2018


We spend years upon years planning our future, masking our true beliefs, and stuffing our emotions with trivial things that it becomes difficult to know what we truly want in the moment…this moment…like why we want to be a content guru in the first place.

The literal translation of a guru is someone who dispels darkness. A guru offers hope. Sincerity. Peace. Authenticity.

Here are 5 ways to be a content guru:

1. Show up.

A guru shows up.

A content guru dispels darkness by showing up.

I remind myself to show up…especially on the days I don’t feel like it. Because the light can’t get through when you’re barricaded by your own bullshit.

Showing up: It’s simple. And it can be a bit abstract when not put into context. But it’s where the magic lives.

In a world that tells you that you need to be “ready” before you’re even seen, showing up (even from behind a screen) short-circuits your brain to believe you’re ready.

And you’re ready. But only if you…

2. Practice.

Here’s a list of things I practice:

1. Yoga
2. Surfing
3. Writing

I practice because I fall in yoga poses. And because I wipe out regularly on my surfboard. I practice because some days I can’t form a single sentence.

But here’s the secret: you can’t practice without showing up.

It’s so simple a concept. And it’s all too easy to slip into an excuse.

Show up to practice. Practice to show up.

Dispel the darkness. Let in the light.

So that you can…

3. Release the mask.

Most masks that we wear in the real world don’t keep you alive. They drown you. They’re the facade that we wear because we want to coordinate our meaningless clichés. These masks bring you deeper into the dark waters and don’t allow you to see.

Then there are the other masks that help to keep you alive. These masks will help you to see when worn underwater. I wore a mask while snorkeling in the Caribbean sea.

I traveled to Turks and Caicos for the first “Stars. Space. Future” unconference hosted by Jeff Pulver. The irony was that I had one goal when I arrived: To release my mask. I wanted to thrive minus the masks, makeup, and makeshift conversations.

I surrounded myself with incredible humans on land and mystical creatures under the sea.

Turquoise transparency + vibrant colors. I love becoming one with another Universe where the creatures don’t need to know my name. the beauty of being underwater is that just “being” is the only way to survive.

And I had to survive.

Twenty minutes after this photo was taken I came face to face with a 6-foot Black Tip shark. Known to be one of the more aggressive types of sharks in the Caribbean, he was 10 feet from me, swimming slowly as he felt my presence. His beady eyes looked at me with curiosity. And I looked at him in absolute awe. My heart dropped out of my body.

I lifted my head out of the water to see the boat. Scanning the horizon, I realized I snorkeled far — too far during a moment like this. A mile away, this powerful creature could easily attack if he was hungry. And there was nothing I could do.

in the silence

I surrendered

to the abyss

of the unknown.

stillness under the sea

no mystery

just simplicity

in the moment

as raw invigoration


through my veins.

presence was the only way to exist. so I meditated to the sound of air moving through my snorkel.

deep, slow breaths.



sacred communion

with this mystical creature.

I stayed calm as I placed my face back in the water, and saw the beautiful beast below me out of the corner of my mask. I began my escape, swimming around him towards the boat (with Jaws music as the soundtrack). I snorkeled safely back, grateful to be alive. Feeling relentless appreciation for this beautiful life. And the higher powers that exist.

I will never forget how it feels to be so wild and alive.

4. When you can’t create, you can work.

I recently stumbled across Henry Miller’s work schedule. And it’s pure gold.

One of my favorites is #5: “When you can’t create, you can work.”

Anyone who is super creative or a multi-passionate entrepreneur gets this: You exist to create. You create to exist. But some days you can’t create. It just does not happen. On those days, use your right brain (your logical brain).

I wrote about the difference between the right brain and left brain and how you can use this knowledge to improve your content marketing strategy here for The Content Marketing Institute. It’s still one of my most favorite articles (and most shared!)

The left brain materialist neuroscients try to dismiss the facts of the non-materialists. To refer to the brain is wrong, it’s a misnomer — although we have an organ within the cranial cavity — it’s actually two organs. These two sides of the brain perform very different functions.

Those who think from the left made an effort — a brilliant effort keep people locked into the left brain — the seat of the ego. Because of all of the programming that takes place, until you reach the age of 35, maybe they can enjoy life

We define ourselves but what enslaves us. When people ask me what I do, I who are you?

5. Let creativity flow through you.

It’s hypocritical to write about creativity…especially about letting it “flow through you.” And it requires even more chutzpah to write an article about how to “be a content guru.”

But when we write about what we don’t know, we explore what’s at our core.

And creativity is the foundation to explore.

When you possess a logical understanding of what it takes to be creative (truly freakin’ creative!!) through using your right brain, you get out of the constraints that you unknowingly set up. Sometimes people will hate you for this.

Because here’s the thing: We all see the world through different lenses.

If you communicate through your:

  • Heart: people who process information through their heads will think you’re crazy.
  • Head: people who process information with an open heart will think you’re rigid.

The key is in knowing that we all process things differently. And when you show up with empathy, respect, and understanding for yourself and for others, creativity can more easily flow through you.

And then you’ll be more OK with letting life unfold the way they’re meant to — by being a content guru…simply by being you.

Here’s to letting in the light.

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