Want a Healthier Life? Start by Breathing Better. Here’s How

Jon Santiago
8 min readAug 18, 2019
Tres Cruces in Medellin, Colombia

Breathing brings life.

There’s no denying that. It’s a function of your body that’s critical to your survival. But I’d bet that, most of the time, you’re not wondering whether you can do it any better.

Instead, you probably accept the status quo. After all, breathing is intuitive. It’s a natural process. What more can you learn?

A lot, actually.

On the surface, breathing may seem like a dull subject to explore. But consider exercising some curiosity instead. When you do, you’ll find that it’s possible to reap a few unanticipated rewards.

Learning how to breathe better won’t solve all your health problems. After all, it’s not a magic bullet. But rethinking how you breathe can become a keystone habit. It can be a small and simple solution that leads to bigger, widespread change.

The Subtle Way in Which We Breathe Too Much

Pause for a moment and ponder this.

What image comes to mind when you think of a person who over-breathes? Is it of someone having a panic attack? Someone who’s gasping for air? Is the picture in your mind of someone who’s experiencing these symptoms in a short and dramatic way?



Jon Santiago

Freelance writer covering a variety of topics including marketing, career, travel, lifestyle, and more. Learn about me here: https://santiagos.space/about-me/