Pomodoro works 😎

Saurabh Sharma
3 min readDec 6, 2017


pomodoro in short. — source google Images

Pomodoro ⏰ is a classical technique of working effectively with your time. In Pomodoro technique, we work in sessions of 25/5 (classically). It means you work on one task for 25 minutes and then after you reward yourself with 5 minutes of break. It’s a simple technique and yes it works.

I try to write blogs posts and other programming works in Pomodoro chunks, It helps me to focus on one thing at a time a time and the break is not far away so you can easily reply your just received mail after 25 minutes. Nobody finds 25 minutes late reply as late 😁

Pomodoro technique was developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s and It’s creator named it Pomodoro (‘tomato’ in Italian) because he used a timer that looked like Pomodoro🍅. you can know more history of pomodoro on ➡Wikipedia

How to break down work into Pomodoro chunks 📌

To work with Pomodoro you need to break down your work in Pomodoros, you need to know how much Pomodoro cycles you need to get it done. (approx.) I have monthly projects so I like to dedicate 1 or 2 pomodoros to them daily. I help me to make daily progress on tasks and make great habits like reading every day 1 Pomodoro session. Prioritizing tasks is one of the side product of working in pomodoros.

don’t follow productivity lead it ⏰, source unsplash.com

Work in pomodoros 📚

To work in pomodoros you need to list all the tasks, you need to finish. After that start with 1st task with 1 Pomodoro and after work get a break make yourself some coffee or join some chat online. If you need to spend more time then try another Pomodoro session else repeat the same steps with the second task at hand. After 4 Pomodoro sessions, I like to take a very long break of an hour or maybe half an hour depending on the day.

Do I need any special tool 🛠

Actually, I like to use the timer on my smartphone or my laptop, it doesn’t need any special setup process just set a timer for 25 minutes and do your work. It also saves last timer’s time so I don’t need to set it manually every time.

Things to avoid 🎃

To work effectively with pomodoros you need to work with 1 task at a time. Avoid distractions so that you can focus on the task at hand. Try to limit distracting things around you.

Pro tip 💡

I use to keep a paper and pen on my side so I don’t forget ideas and task I remember while I’m in a Pomodoro session. Usually this is not important for most of you but if you forget things before they come in you mind then this one is useful.

Conclusion 🎉

Pomodoro is a great technique that works very good for me and it’s really easy to try. You will find yourself more productive and get more done. And if you are kind of person who doesn’t know how time flew away then Pomodoro is a must try.

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Saurabh Sharma

I write about web development, React and web performance