Loomis method to draw human facial expressions like a Pro!

Karan Chaudhary
4 min readFeb 10, 2020


Few completed sketches based on the Loomis method

Sometimes while thinking over to any fascinating idea we tend to put down our subconscious thoughts on to paper in the form of doodle or sketch. And when the outcome actually represents what we thought of, it becomes a master piece (at least to oneself).

But to get in there, giving shape and forms a life based on the picture appearing to one’s mind is not an easy task. This capability is what makes a difference between an Artist and the one who is aspiring for the same or even the one who is simply doodling over thoughts.

In this article, I want to discuss about Loomis method, which makes it somehow easier to put down human facial expressions to paper which I find relatively easy to learn and understand the proportions so to draw them accurately.

Let’s get into it having the mathematical geometry class concepts in mind.

Basic fundamental of Loomis method

Loomis method works simply based on geometrical shapes so to use this method we need to assume our reference in the form of basic geometrical shapes (i.e, circle, square, cube, cylinder and sphere).

Various face angles using lines and assuming 3D

Once have we imagined the reference in the form of shapes and geometrical objects we can start by drawing it in 2Dimensional figure.

Drawing 2D geometrical Shapes

To start with sketching basic structure we can follow below steps based on observing the reference:

  1. Draw a circle of desired size this will ultimately determine the size of your final portrait you want to achieve.
  2. Mark a horizontal line representing eye brow position on the circle based on the reference picture for drawing the angle of face to be drawn. Draw intersecting line assuming the centre of the eye brows.
Starting with 2D shapes and completing portrait with shading

2D to 3D Conversion

In this step we are further creating a 3D structure out of the basic 2D sketch. To achieve it follow the below steps:

  1. Imagine a sphere based on the circle drawn as part of earlier steps.
  2. Observe the forehead of human face from reference, based on which clip off the two hemispherical shapes from the imagined sphere from step 1.
  3. Draw 2 intersecting lines on both the hemispherical ends based on how reference in looking from a vertical perspective and connect its horizontal line with that of eye brow reference line drawn as part of the basic structure.
  4. Break the centre line into 3 sub-sections vertically one above eye-brow reference and 2 below the same. Each representing the eye-brow, nostrils and chin respectively.
Steps representing the 2D- 3D conversion and shaping the portrait

Shading to complete the Portrait

Final shade based on the reference will be achieve based on understanding the highlights and shadows for which basic understanding of the light and shadows will help. Follow the below steps to complete the portrait with shading:

  1. Look for the darkest or lightest areas on the reference based on the imagined light source
  2. Start shading the darker or mid shade areas as per the reference to make it appear like 3D
  3. Apply the dark shades over the darker areas so to create the actual illusion of the 3D effect
  4. Finally submerge the lighter shade and darker shades uniformly which make it appear realistic.
Portraits after shading completion

Above are some of the basic steps based on my understanding of sketching realistic portraits using Loomis method, Do comment your thoughts on the same and let me know on what areas of this topic fascinated you the most!

Thank you.

Happy exploring!

