Why Choose Golang over Elixir in backend development

Kenzy Limon
2 min readJun 7, 2022


All about Golang

Golang is an open source programming language developed by Google engineers to allow developers to build fast, reliable, and efficient software at scale with memory safety, garbage collection, structural typing and CSP-style concurrency.

Features in Golang

  • Easy to learn and get started with
  • Built-in strong concurrency and a robust standard library
  • High productivity & simplified usage
  • Outstanding level of code efficiency ( Concise and Clear )
  • No need for external dependency, Go can easily produce native binaties
You are learning the ways

Companies using it

Golang has been tried and tested with its distinct advantages, it has been the best choice for world-class products and industry giants.

  • Google
  • PayPal
  • Netflix
  • Twitter
  • Uber


Ideal Stack Setup

  • Gin :- Golang MVC Framework
  • Tailwind CSS :- UI framework that allows CSS inside HTML
  • Alpine JS :- Tiny Javascript for client macro interactions

Comunity Support

Golang application development with swiftness, easy grasping, highly accessible development tools, fully stable & concurrent and above all, awesome Go community support.

Now we face the other side

All about Elixir

Elixir is a functional, dynamically typed language that is built on top of Erlang’s VM and compiles to Erlang bytecode. Elixir was intended to be a Ruby-like structutured that would give developers access to all the powerful tools that Erlang gives through parallel and concurrent computation.

Features in Golang

  • Elixir uses lightweight threads of execution (processes).
  • Elixir has a unique approach to fault-tolerance.
  • Conventions like pattern matching, higher-order functions, and declarative style of writing code.
  • Fault tolerance, provides built-in safety mechanisms.
  • Elixir offers low latency

Companies using it

  • Adobe
  • WhatsApp
  • Motorola
  • Discord
  • WeChat


Ideal Stack Setup

  • Phoenix :- Elixir MVC Framework
  • Tailwind CSS :- UI framework that allows CSS inside HTML
  • Alpine JS :- Tiny Javascript for client macro interactions
  • LiveView :- Phoenix Server-Side rendering UI library

Comunity Support

Although Elixir is quite a young language, There is a lot of help or tutorials easily available for developers working with Elixir.


In terms of performance it’s easy to say Golang is faster and by faster I imply it will execute most CPU bound tasks faster than Elixir. I would state that unless you understand what kind of system you are building it’s hard to state if Golang is better than Elixir.

I am not picking Golang because it is cool or that most hipsters have embraced it, its because Go beats Elixir in terms of server performance, easier deployment, quicker prototyping and easy to learn.

Programing Languages are simply tools; the question shouldn’t be “Why Golang is better than Elixir?” but rather “Which one is the most suitable for my system?”

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