AppleTV App Design Template for Keynote

Lee Simpson
2 min readSep 22, 2015

TV Interface Design Starter Theme

For those of you who read my ‘Prototyping AppleTV apps with Keynote’ post and want to get started creating TV interface prototypes— I’ve created a free Keynote design template to help you kick off.

The template is really simple.

My assumption is people will want to design their own apps so I’ve avoided recreating the tvOS Layout Templates or Interface Elements.

I have however, included the typography references and grid layouts from the AppleTV Human Interface Guidelines, as well as several sample animations to demonstrate the Keynote’s capabilities.

This is very much an MVP with purpose of providing a clean, easy to understand foundation for AppleTV interface design —enjoy!


Feedback & Support

The aim is to improve and evolve this template and its associated resources, so if you have any feedback or questions please let me know.

Feel free to share, distribute and adapt, but please credit the author.

Update — Monday, 18th April 2016

Unfortunately I haven’t had as much time as I would have liked to update this template — however, the folks over at Marvel now have an amazing Apple TV app that allows you to preview you designs on TV. I suggest you check that out instead.

Thank you for reading —

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Lee Simpson

Product Strategist. Solving problems in the entertainment industry. Thoughts about media, technology, culture and things. LA. 🌴