How To Install Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Debian 12

4 min readApr 21, 2024
Debian 12 Cinnamon installation guide

Desktop environments like Cinnamon on Debian 12 or any other Linux distributions make them user-friendly along with making it easy to manage tools and utilities. Cinnamon is a lightweight customizable desktop environment that primarily comes with Linux Mint. Cinnamon prioritizes a smooth and responsive user experience. This can be especially noticeable on less powerful machines. This blog post will discuss all the possible ways to install the Cinnamon desktop environment on Debian 12

How To Install Cinnamon Desktop Environment on Debian 12

Cinnamon desktop environment comes with an overview mode which allows you to view all open windows and virtual desktops, making it easier to manage multiple tasks. To install Cinnamon on Debian 12 there are three ways which include:

1: Through the Debian Default Package Installer

Most applications or packages are available in the Debian default package repository including Cinnamon Desktop. To install Cinnamon via apt use the following command:

sudo apt install cinnamon -y

