3 Things you must know about bail bond companies

3 min readSep 7, 2020


Spending a night in jail, along with the other inmate, can be a harrowing experience. The research says one in every 20 people serves some time in jail at a particular time in their lives. Which means you are someone you know can end up behind bars. The odds are high that it could be as little as the traffic offence. Well, you cannot spend your whole life in jail for doing something as small as breaking the signal, right? I remember when I was arrested for it, the first thing I did was to look for the bail bond companies near me. The one’s that are nearest are easiest to reach, and they are quickest to get your bail.

However, if you are trying to bail out someone, make sure you are not dirtying your hands in the puddle by bailing someone out for their unforgivable crime and keep the following points in mind.

1) Know what bail bonds are

It is an amount that the person pays to get the suspect out of jail. More interestingly the amount is decided within the first 48 hours of the arrest. Once the bail is registered, the defendant can leave the jail only if he/ she agrees to adhere to a few conditions. There are different reasons for the suspect to leave the jail after they are arrested. When the criminal is arrested, they are smart enough to stay in the custody until their lawyer suggests them so. However, in case of the innocent person, the situation often becomes havoc, and a person needs to get out to shrug off the situation as soon as possible.

2) Types of bail bonds

Choosing the right type of bail bond can be pretty confusing; nevertheless, let s make it a bit easier for you. One of the bonds are cash bonds where the bailer pays the full amount in cash; however, it is relatively heavier on pocket as most of the time even the lawyer is not available to bargain the price. Similarly, the surety bonds are also quite expensive as they are set for the hard-hearted crimes such as felonies. Without the intrusion of the third person, you are most likely to be ripped off.

3) Warranty is important

The rules differ in each state or city regarding the bails. So in the cases where you are paying full cash amount, and you do not possess any significant asset that you need to put forward, I am afraid to tell you your bail will not be accepted. In most cases, the asset worth thousands of dollars is accepted. You are lucky if you have a real estate property and can present it as against the felony. Apart from it, you can also present credit cards, bank cards, jewellery your car and stocks as well. When the crime is significant, people put their everything on stake to save themselves from any further embarrassment and penalty.

Staying away from criminal activities is pretty easy, make sure you are not surrounded by the ones who are involved in such activities. Because if today you are bailing your friend out for the serious crime, tomorrow you will be committing the same crime too. So better safe than sorry




At Nelson Bail Bond, we have a simple philosophy: “Everyone deserves to be free; everyone deserves to be with their loved ones. https://www.nelsonbailbond.com