6 Steps to Better Discipline with the help of ADHD Behavior Therapy for Kids

ADHD Diagnosis Online
4 min readMar 18, 2020

Is your kid suffering from ADHD exhibiting non-disciplinary behavior? If yes, then all you need is a way to understand and implement a therapy to tackle the behavior without the help of a therapist. Have you given your child a timeout for inappropriate behavior, or an early head-up before possibly questioning your child’s self-control? If the answer to these questions is yes, you have prior knowledge about how behavior therapy works in raising ADHD kids.

Behavioral Therapy For ADHD

The basic principle of behavioral therapy is to set clear guidelines regulating the conduct of your child and to regularly implement the guidelines, with positive effects for their follow-up and negative results for infractions. These five approaches for behavioral therapy for ADHD will help strategies the disciplinary actions to get your kid to follow good and ethical behavior.

1. Form Ground Rules for your Kid and Make Them Follow it

Setting up ground rules is only half of the job; it gets completed when you ensure that your kids follow it. Create a list, post-it notes, and make them visible to your kid. Like you can draw up the must-do things while getting ready for school. Stick them up on the mirror where your kid is getting ready.

Make sure that the rules are plainly worded, making sure your kid understands them. Repeat the rules to your kid, ensuring that he understands them well, and review them as needed. Go over the process again and again until your child has memorized. Make sure you stick with them and help them along the process.

2. Give clear commands

Always accost your kid by their name in order to get their attention. Then command them to follow out an order. It’s not enough to expect your child to follow out an order by just commanding them. To get the job done, catch their attention, and then state the entails. Clearly state your command and also the consequences for disobeying them. Make sure to take a follow-through.

3. Don’t demand perfection

Keep a balance between praising and providing criticism to your kids. A good rule is to compliment your child three to five times as much as you condemn negative behavior for doing something wrong.

When you expect instant and flawless outcomes, you’ll just push your child to attempt a blunder. Instead, concentrate on fulfilling short term goals and slowly work your way toward the desired result. Lower your expectations a little if you think that you are criticizing too much.

4. Develop a system of reward

An efficient method to motivate your child to abide by your commands is to set up a reward system. Place a marble in the jar every time your kid does work as you ask them to. Take one out of the jar each time he does not follow your instructions. At the end of the day, count the total amount of marbles and reward them with something they want accordingly.

This method is highly favored by clinical psychologist ADHD for the kids suffering from high functioning ADHD.

5. Change the discipline technique as your child gets older

Some interventions, like timeouts, may not work with teens as with younger children. When your kid who is in high school violate a rule, you could give him a ten-minute job like cleaning up the room instead of a ten-minute timeout.It is helpful to discuss conditions and incentives for good behavior with your children. For example, if he’s giving a hand around the house and performs well at school, you can allow your child to drive a family car or even spend extra time with friends.

6. Make sure your child follows the same system at school

The daily check and balance are one of the effective tools for parent-teacher collaboration. Consult the teacher to evaluate ideal activities in the classroom, like participating in activities or completing the due work on time. At the end of each day, the teacher can send a daily behavioral document to you by performing a simple evaluation of your child’s commitment to these behavioral objectives. Let play outside or give small rewards for a good day at school.


Many parents integrate these approaches into their family life without any professional assistance. If you are having difficulty achieving the desired results, you can seek for a training program or family therapy. A typical method consists of two three -hour sessions, in which an expert works with parents, generally in a group setting, to provide them the guidance and support they need to develop good behavior.



ADHD Diagnosis Online

We offer an assessment platform which allows psychologists to complete adult and pediatric ADHD assessments online. https://www.adhddiagnosis.com/