XSS : A Fight With The WAF

3 min readMar 1, 2024

Hi ! My name is Ryan and this article is about a bug I recently discovered in a private program for a well-known billion-dollar company, where an attacker can exploit an XSS vulnerability. Learn about the issue and the steps taken to address this security concern.


I started to look for a program in Bugcrowd (less competitive) and i found this famous clothing brand, let’s say redacted.com . The scope was limited to their main web application. Let the hunting begin!


Upon entering the site, I immediately had an eyescontact with the “search” section. I then tested if the conducted search is reflected on the page.


Ok it’s reflected ! What i do usually it’s try some characters to see how the server will handle it :

<>” ‘ / script

Go in the Developer Tool and see how it’s represented in the source code :

filtered :-(

Of course it’s filtered, a famous website like this will undoubtedly protect itself against trivial XSS attacks from the 1990s. But wait, tt’s not over yet! This data can be used everywhere and not only in this tag

And here’s is the trick, when searching for another location AND by viewing the source code instead of Inspect Element:

Not filtered :-)

It’s not filtered! You can see our payload ( <> “ ‘ script ) and nothing is filtered so in consequents our first double quotes closed the content attribute, so we escaped the meta tag. Let’s try to see if the html is rended correctly by the page by trying


Easy right ? Now we just have to inject the most basic “/><script>alert()</script> <title> as a proof of concept :

WAF entered in the room
The WAF and me in white

Fight with the WAF

I struggled durings plenty hours to figure out how can i bypass the WAF, because typically when u trigger the WAF you are ban for few minutes. After one full day i finally found the right payload by escaping an other tag thats was already inside a script tag so i just have to write my JS code, but the WAF was blocking as well some words like “alert” “src” etc…

I finally found the right way to escape :

XSS triggered

Leave some clap if you enjoyed and don’t hesitate to give me your feedback :)

Thank you !





Cybersecurity Analyst | Bug Bounty Hunter | Pineapple enthusiast