Red Flags: Are You Dating Mr. Wrong?

4 min readJan 10, 2024


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

You’ve been dating a new guy, and things are going well. He’s charming and funny, and the chemistry is off the charts. You have this nagging feeling that something is amiss in the back of your mind. You can’t quite put your finger on it, but your intuition is trying to tell you something.

Before you get in too deep and waste months or even years of your time, you must determine if this guy is relationship material or just Mr. Wrong. A few red flags to watch out for will reveal whether you’re investing in a dead-end relationship with someone not worth your time. If several of these sound familiar, it may be time to bid farewell to your sweetheart and hold out for someone who will treat you right.

He Doesn’t May You a Priority

Girl, if he’s not making you a priority in his life, it’s time to move on! A relationship is about balance; you deserve a man who will make time for you.

  • Does he frequently cancel plans at the last minute or not show up? Drop him like a hot potato. Your time is valuable, and he needs to respect that.
  • Do his words and actions match up? If he says you’re important to him, but his behaviour Show otherwise, don’t waste another second.
  • Are you always the one initiating contact or making an effort to see each other? The partnership is a two-way street. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Remember who you are; don’t accept scraps of affection or attention. The right man for you will make you a priority in his life because you’re worth it. He’ll move mountains to spend time with you, listen when you speak, remember important details, and be there when you need him. Don’t invest time in someone who makes you feel like an afterthought.

Life is too short to waste on the wrong people. Take control of your happiness, believe in your worth, and don’t settle for less. They’re great men out there. Focus on yourself; the right one will come into your life at the right time.

He Avoids Difficult Conversations

If your guy avoids discussing serious issues in your relationship or life, that’s a major red flag that he’s not the one for you. Communication is key to a healthy partnership, so if he brushes off serious conversations or changes the subject, it shows he’s unable to be there for you; he’s emotionally immature.

Here are some other signs he’s allergic to real talk:

  • He gets defensive or angry when you express your feelings. Rather than listening with an open mind, he turns the table and makes you feel guilty for bringing up the issue.
  • He gives you vague, non-committal responses such as “yeah,” “okay,” and “sure” when you are trying to have an adult conversation.
  • He avoids planning, whether that’s big events like vacations together or meeting each other’s family. If the thought of these types of bonds and experiences makes him visibly uncomfortable, he’s likely not into the relationship for the long haul.

The truth is, you can’t build a lasting future with someone who’s not willing to face challenges together through open and honest communication. Don’t Waste Your precious time and energy on a man who’s not emotionally available for you. Trust me, girl, there are better matches for you, someone who values meaningful conversations as much as you do. That’s the real relationship litmus test.

Photo by RDNE Stock

You don’t share core values.

Your core values uphold a sustainable relationship, girl; if there is no compatibility, you have nada. Values are the principle that guides your life choices and determines what matters to you. If you and your partner have vastly different values, you’ll likely face ongoing conflicts that are hard to resolve.

You Value Adventure, HeValues Routine

You crave new experiences and spontaneity, while he prefers predictable comfort. He wants to stay close to home; you Have wanderlust. Now, opposite can attract, but this distance may leave you feeling unfulfilled or resentful over time. Compromises are key, but in the long run, you need a good amount of shared interest and desire for discoveries.

You value independence, he’s clingy.

You pride yourself on self-sufficiency, but he texts you constantly and wants to spend every freeing moment together. His need for constant contact and validation may eventually feel stifling, causing you to pull away. Both Partners need space to maintain their interests and friendships for a healthy relationship. If he’s unable to give you that freedom, you’ll likely start to feel trapped.

You value ambition and drive. He needs goals.

You have big dreams and work hard to achieve them, but he needs to be more motivated and aimless. His lack of direction or purpose will begin to bother you. While you don’t need matching career paths, you need a partner with their passion and pursuits to feel inspired. If you always encourage him to improve his situation, but he never takes action, it’s likely to lead to a loss of respect in an attraction.

As much as we ladies love to be independent, we want a partner who knows how to lead and lets you show up in your feminine. You may communicate your concerns but maintain your standards.

Now that you know the signs, trust your instinct. If something feels off, it probably is. Free yourself from dead-end relationships, and open your heart to welcome lasting love. You deserve nothing less. The perfect match for you is out there, so keep your eyes open and don’t waste another second with Mr Wrong.

Til next time!




💻 Writer | 📕 Author in Pending | 🧠 A hub to write whatever is going on in this introverted brain of mines, enjoy.