Black Magic.

Zainab Noor
3 min readJun 15, 2024

The term black magic refers to the powers used by humans actually in black magic magician imprison a ghost in Islam and old Christanity the word jinn is used in their holy books. In holy Quran and in the very old version of Bible the word jinn is used instead of ghost. So, the person who imprison a ghost or jinn gives order to that ghosts or jinn to do something with the person the magician is doing black magic on. The person who performs black magic have to fulfill some formalities to perform black maagic properly. The performer need to keep himself and his enviroment dirty. He need the DNA of the person he is performing black magic on. He need to go to the abandon place to imprison a ghost or jinn. In Islam humans are superior to all the creations except for one another. Humans are the most intelligent creatures. So, in Islam the ghost and jinn have low intelligence so humans can easily trap them. After trapping the ghost or jinn black magic performer tell the ghost about the person he is performing black magic on and send the ghost or jinn behind that person. And in Islam ghost and jinn have some powers like they can fly, disappear, can go anywhere in the space and they can possess. Like humans ghost are also can be evil or good. They also have religions. So, as they have powers they make the person sick, wounded, depressed and give them grief by doing something bad to someone the person love whom the black magician performing black magic on. Through black magic they can also make the person they love fall in love with them and get married to them. This type of magic is called “Sahr-e-Ishq” which means magic of love. The person who is the victim of magic of love unable to think anything bad about the person who make perform magic on them. They are also unable to think that they can also live without them/ breathe without them. They fell madly in love with them. My words are not being enough to descride the danger of black magic. It is like playing with lives. Generations before us like in the teen hundreds (like 1600, 1800, 1900) people were more afraid of black magic and they are also much more aware and even they kill the they only have suspect on that they perform black magic. Thousands of people lose their live some of them were innocents and the guilties also. People have a fear of these kind of activities. But in present times people themselves go to the black magic performers and give them money to perform black magic on the person they want them to.That is called the lack of awareness they are less aware of black magic that how much it is dangerous for humanity.

If you don’t beleive in that kind of stuff then take it as knowlege of different religions, history and black magic.

Share it as much as possible to spread awareness about it. Tell everyone about it so everyone can stay away from it.

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Zainab Noor

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