Lilith in Aries/1st House

10 min readAug 7, 2019


First things first, thank you for considering my opinion on this topic! Lilith is such an intriguing point in your chart, and I have been really inspired to look into how it affects people. I hope to continue updating this post with the more insight and feedback that I receive.

Before we get into this, please note that I wrote an entire introductory post that explains my basic interpretations of Lilith, disclaimers, and what I aim to accomplish with this series. Some things to note before you go down these rabbit holes with me:

  1. This post refers to my interpretations of Mean Lilith (also known as Black Moon Lilith). There are several sites online that will allow you to find this placement.
  2. While I don’t consider myself to be a professional astrologer, I share what I know. There are other interpretations available on Beyoncé’s internet that you are welcome to find if mine do not resonate with you. You know yourself better than anyone.
  3. Signs =/= houses. While some of these themes correspond, they do not always represent the same exact thing.
  4. How these placements play out in your personal life are deeply dependent on your natal chart, as well as your nurture and upbringing.
  5. Always remember that no placement is damned beyond repair — this simply gives you an idea of the energy you have to work with. If it don’t apply, you won’t die.

If I missed anything, so be it. Let’s get into it.

(Prince — Lilith in Aries)

People with Lilith in Aries/1H generally receive a lot of physical attention (even if they feel prone to reject or question this before owning it). This attention can be negative or positive, but regardless it can be a nuisance to the native because it’s hard to feel seen beyond their physical appearance. They might also have struggled with crippling insecurities that led to a distorted view of self (at extremes, this might’ve resulted in body dysmorphic disorder, eating disorders, self harm, etc.). A lot of people actually perceive people with these placements as confident, even if the Lilith person feels otherwise.

This is the placement that can attract a lot of people with raw sexual intentions. Ideally, they attract respectful, assertive, and slightly aggressive partners (which they may generally enjoy), but a more common reality for Lilith in Aries/1H is attracting people who are intimidated by them. A lot of times, they deal with admirers who don’t know what to say around them, leaving them too scared to approach OR they completely lack couth/ any approach that has manners. In fact, I’ve often seen people put on a front for this Lilith placement to hopefully attract them, but it usually fails. This is the person who either hears through the grapevine or behind a screen that somebody’s interested, or has someone come and make blatant sexual advances without a proper introduction. If Lilith doesn’t have the discipline and discernment, these folks can get caught up with some really dangerous people. In general, these placements deal with some insanely mean, immoral, or even dangerous people (or at their worst, are exactly this way).

Unfortunately, all of these things can actually result in a strong blind spot for some. At one point or another, Lilith’s insecurities may have caused them to see others being attracted to their bodies as deeper interest, making them more prone to heartbreak or being taken advantage of. Without awareness, it can be harder to trust that you have reasons to be confident or trust others at all who want to have sex/date you. Additionally, this is the native who at one point might have gotten hurt by a manipulative person who pretended to care, but ultimately just wanted to use them for sexual reasons. That being said, the Aries/1H Lilith can use their awareness of how people respond to them as a means of screening out people who don’t want true intimacy — something that many of these placements need in their relationships and sexual experiences. It might trigger you if someone wants to have sex immediately; you can be hesitant because you’re unsure of what you’re wanted for. I’d also imagine that this can manifest in the opposite way and make the native a bit hyper-sexual, but I’m just giving room for this theory hypothetically. If so, there’s a strong possibility it might be solely to experience the intimacy or validation of it.

(Toni Braxton — Lilith in Aries)

Most randomly, a lot of Aries/1H Liliths have mothers who would rather have Lilith be closer to home. A lot of these placements naturally strive to live their own life (something that is imperative for them to activate their full potential). Most significantly, however, this placement can indicate a mother who is extremely critical of you. Generational curses are very personal and unique, but major themes with these placements that I’ve noticed are their relationships with sex, physical appearance, and personal expression.

If your mom carries any of this trauma, she might be very concerned (or straight up critical/mean) about how you look, who you have sex with, or how you express yourself. As I mentioned in the introductory post, the relationships with our mothers can change a lot about how these things manifest, but most relationships that struggle have a mother who’s worried about her daughter attracting the wrong kind of sexual attention (or any at all). She might also be concerned about you having the confidence to make better decisions. If she made poor sexual decisions or had traumatic sexual experiences, she may not want you to have the image of yourself that she does of herself. Obviously in more malicious cases, that’s exactly what she wants. A lot of times, you can see the mothers with the same insecurities and/or the same disorders. A number of these natives have also experienced some kind of physical or sexual abuse (or their mothers did). This could have been a result of sexual abuse at an early age (I’ve noticed people who have experienced abuse at a young age grew up thinking that they were only attractive in a certain way. This can also go the other way where you hate your body because of the situations it’s put you in.)

Ideally, your mother tries to protect you, but this placement can manifest as pure jealousy. This is also the placement whose mother (at worst) is just plain mean towards them. She may be very codependent and desperate for validation. In fact, sometimes the roles reverse with the mothers being more childish and dependent on Lilith. As a result, a lot of people with this placement had to grow up fast at an earlier point of their lives. While this may not necessarily mean they are emotionally stunted, this can make someone’s trigger points stronger. Even if they tend towards taking on the emotions of others, they might not have the room to feel through their own in a healthy way. A lot of natives can struggle with the codependency as well, but they tend to aggressively assert their independence out of fear of ultimately ending up the same way (making romantic relationships difficult to form or maintain). How these needs play out in the mother’s behavior in her own life and towards the Lilith person (as well as how they play out personally for the Lilith person) can vary. I’ve also seen mothers of this Lilith get particularly controlling if they feel their child is being too reckless, independent, assertive, etc. It might be really important for the mother of this native to control them, (this can be unintentionally or intentionally extreme, damaging and/or malicious).

A lot of people with this placement have the work of abandoning shame and fear in favor of embracing acceptance, confidence and self-trust. Once they do, they can experience a breakthrough that allows them to have extremely high discernment. This is probably the biggest shot in the dark theory I’m sharing, but I also feel like people with these placements that have any of these issues to heal might have some physical ailment that manifests as a result. I’d imagine these would be related to the head (like migraines), but it could also manifest in the sacral (or even solar) chakra — i.e. issues with the bladder, reproductive organs, digestive system, etc. That being said, healing these main traumas can potentially lessen or eradicate how they physically manifest. Healing can also create extremely powerful people whose presence can move others to do what they want them to do.

(Billie Eilish — Lilith in 1st House)

As you might be able to imagine, when this Lilith realizes they’ve been taken advantage of for their bodies, this can be the point that makes them lose their shit. Lilith is the protective mother so anytime she feels her friends or family have been violated in any way, this native is willing to physically fight if it comes down to it. You might notice a whole different side of them comes out at this point, and it can get INCREDIBLY dangerous for them and others. Bullying and abuse does not go over well with these placements. On a personal level, having their bodies violated, being approached in an inappropriate way, or someone feigning intimacy to get to their bodies? They’re ready to fight, period. Much like Lilith in Leo, blatant disrespect doesn’t go over well with these placements either. One person I spoke to said, “I used to just fight. I wanted to physically draw blood.” All bets are off if you disrespect this placement or hurt someone they love.

As I mentioned before, while I definitely allow room for this placement to make people hyper-sexual, they are actually much more unwilling to have sex with just anybody. These placements tend to deeply value intimate sexual interactions. They might make other people jump through more hoops than normal because they don’t want their bodies used, or have higher standards for sexual partners than most. I’ve actually met a few of these placements who see sex not just as an intimate, but a spiritual matter. This is also a pretty competitive placement, so there can be strong power struggles in partnerships (this could also result in someone who enjoys controlling/dominant people, rough sex or purposely stalling people out from having sex with them. I’ve noticed a lot of them prefer to be more submissive in bed). In a healthier context, they can be competitive which can make them persistent in getting what they want. In its lesser expression, however, these people can have poor boundaries and live in a very disempowered, defeated way when it comes to matters of the house (for the 1H placement, you can look to the sign for how these poor boundaries might manifest).

The injustices these Liliths tend to endure are the ones where people try to criticize your leadership or the way you express yourself based solely off of your appearance. You may get a reputation of being hyper-sexual even if you were the complete opposite. I’ve seen a lot of people approach these Liliths with the idea that they’re entitled to the native’s body. Others may also feel free not only to violate your body, but be mean to you because of their own jealousies. This placement can really bring out the worst in those who hate you (potentially even violence), so a lot of your more humiliating or dehumanizing experiences can feel more extreme or more public than normal. Understanding this, these people can often attract blatant sexual harassment while out in public, and generally get strong reactions once they turn someone down. Aries is a polarizing placement and the 1H is all about the self — you serving as a mirror for others, allows them to see how much they hate themselves, which ultimately will be projected on you at one point or another.

Nipsey Hussle — Lilith in Aries

The glory in the Aries/1H Lilith is that they have the potential to genuinely INSPIRE others. Your mere presence can attract to you the people, things and experiences you want to have. These people have the potential to have incredible, intimate sex. While some people may see you as intimidating, this serves you because it’ll be that much easier to weed out the people who can’t handle you. Consider this your inner bullshit detector. Whether they choose to be dominant or submissive, they’re able to use this raw energy to manifest. Also with discernment and control, these people can channel this creative energy in ways that fuel your ability to lead others and use your power. Lilith in Aries/1H people might use their appearance as a symbol of protest, maybe in the form of going out of their way to express themselves unapologetically. The way that you use your body can be something that others admire and respect, so you may find that people respond really well to you owning your body and/or your sexual nature. They might really love the way you dress (if you are intentional about your style) or even respond well to any body art you might have. For many people, the Aries/1H Lilith native that looks like them can be a role model for simply doing the things they want to do. Furthermore, a healthy competitiveness may attract a very powerful, kind and protective partner. You might be able to pull out the primal energy out of others that can be addictive, but most importantly, empowering. You’re the kind of person that makes people feel better about themselves just by being your best. The epitome of a natural leader in some way. You’re the role model; the person who gives others hope that maybe, they can be just as great as you one day.

If you’re interested in booking a personal birth chart or Lilith reading with me, book with me here:




I’m stubborn and I change my mind everyday. Enjoy. | website: | @conjuredpink everywhere.