How Many Drakes

Omar Karim
3 min readAug 17, 2016


If you don’t know Drake, here’s the shortest explanation so we can get to the fun part fast

Drake is a rapper, Drake is a meme, Drake is internet currency

Drake has inspired thousands of memes, mainly because he’s a rapper with feelings and isn’t afraid to hide them. He also takes what the internet creates pretty chill. That positivity has endeared to the online masses, perhaps followed by Snapchat king — DJ Khaled

With the new album launch, the buzz has been meteoric, all music and mainstream press has been gushing about Views From The 6, and the internet has been instrumental in propelling him to dominate charts across the globe.

Drake is a meme, with thousands of iterations, I wanted to see if we could take it a new level — Drake as Unit of Measurement. By making two products that demonstrate the idea and put it peoples hands.

Step one — Seed meme with conversational Twitter Bot that people can interact with. The Bot answers any question about height, distance and depth in ‘Drake Heights’.

Step two — Leverage hype and take the meme further with a fitness app that measures in Drakes, using Drake’s visual language.

We planned our ‘Drake Fitness App’ first, as the lead time is always longer on a native platform. When the new album came out, it was perfect timing and our team kicked into action and the project was launched in 9 days — the app is still in review with Apple.

To build hype and interest around the app, we created a Twitter bot called ‘How Many Drakes’ — A bot that lets people measure nearly anything in Drakes Heights.

Leveraging cultural moments / Cussing Meek Milli for attention

I’d been exploring the creative potential of Bots and as the hype around them grows — They’re taking pizza orders, answers customers queries, creating lyrics and million things in between. Bots are cool as hell and I really wanted to make one.

Smarter bots use Machine Learning to understand humans, getting smarter every time someone interacts with it, that’s where things get really wild. Bots will soon smash through the Turing Test — a test to see if a chat bot can convince a human that it too is human. If you’ve seen the film ‘Her’, the possibilities are pretty insane.

How Many Drakes is simpler, way simpler

Under the hood, the bot uses two API’s — one work out the math and the other to answer questions in a natural way. It’s not the smartest bot in the world but nevertheless it’s alive and kicking with basic AI and a different tone / experience to most other bots. It not very polite when it doesn’t understand you

Update: And then it was very popular

Give it a try here:

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Omar Karim

Creative Strategist @ Meta — Prev. R/GA, Anomaly, Fallon. Founder/CPO Brainclub5000. Into — Power of Play, AI for creative Industries, Metaverse and NFT.