Artificial Intelligence in Special Education

4 min readJul 5, 2016

Artificial intelligence system may be a helpful tool for people different ages with autism and learning disabilities. Bots will increase their communication skills and give them the experience of the social connections. The personalized applications and devices overcome traditional learning. Nowadays the educators take advantage of the new technology.

Autism therapy with artificial intelligence

Autistics need an order. So, computer programs fit them to learn how to communicate. Programs are very logical, predictable, nonjudgmental and have the base of the different interests to engage the child. The same regions of the brain were applied while interactions with the humanoid and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) kids don’t notice the inequality between artificial and human communications.

Experts say that new technologies will help children with Autism Spectrum Disorder all over the world to enhance social skills. Scientists work on the integrating these skills in the communication with the people. The scientists explored that the interaction with the virtual human has improved skills needed to the collaboration with people.

AI software is aimed to develop the speech and emotional intelligence of the children with autism spectrum disorder. For example, a British primary school used a humanoid robot to teach autistics to identify the human emotional state.

Robot helps children that are unsociable and motivate them to collaborate and talk. Social bots indicate the progress in the education students with special needs and to make a personalized schedule for them.

New opportunities

Therapists and engineers have developed a new mechanism of Autism therapies. Robotic assistance will help the children to gain the social skills and will make the environment cozy for them. Socially intelligent systems are needed students in speaking practice and one-on-one lessons in facial recognition. The artificial intelligence will make the assessment gather the information about displayed social behaviors. Educators will get insights about the student’s emotional development. The learning technology will help to navigate social interactions and set a sense of calm for ASD children.

Artificial intelligence improves diagnosis process of learning disabilities. For example, a web-based system based on deep learning to assess the child with ASD. The report sends online to the medical staff and child’s parents for the future assessment. Nowadays, experts work on the vector machine classification techniques and artificial neural network to improve their accuracy in results.

Software for children with learning disabilities

The knowledge from traditional school staff and the experience of special education professionals helped to develop a model, designed to improve the growth process and the model is used in some Ecuador’s centers. Also, it helps to motivate to learn the children with learning disabilities.

Smart Tutoring model was made as well with the evaluation and e-learning sessions. This system defines mood and concentration levels, gathers the information on child’s answers in order to set the session respectively. Also, system renews child’s profile with the expertise. It is a great tool for the assessment learning progress.

Robotic toys are used to engage children in learning. There is a robot, named Keepon, that provides the group interactions for activating the children’s audience in playful collaboration. It creates a calm mood and brings good results. The robot provides a toy of predetermined color, face detection location, and movement.

The Italian team of researchers made humanoid robot FACE that generates basic facial expressions. The responses are analyzed for making future studies to help autism spectrum disorder people. Children will learn social skills while a therapy with a robot. Also, was developed a robot like Einstein. He is very realistic and uses 31 internal motors to evoke expressions of madness, happiness, anger, fear. He will be used in cognitive therapy and in the special and traditional education. The scientists want to engage the children in the mathematic, physics by the bot. Diego San is a bot made in Japan that would teach children how to build the relationships and to fit social interaction culture.

There is another one helpful tool — Penguin for autism behavioral intervention. It interacts with the kid independently or is led by the therapist remote. Also, was developed LIFEisGAME — game for ASD kids that teaches them to recognize facial expression by a playing with a virtual character. Game techniques created the interest of the child to participate.

We see the wide variety already ready tools and the development of the future software to increase child’s social skills and to engage them in the educational process. The children cooperate with a pleasure with bots and learn to understand the emotional state of the different persons.

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