How AI Helps To Improve Performance Management

4 min readFeb 1, 2017


Do you know how AI will help to refine performance management?

With new data-driven technologies and AI possibilities, HR department may reach better results in talent management. Artificial intelligence brings insights about employee engagement, talent evaluation, and productivity. AI influences on workforce management and creates possibilities for the fast and useful feedback through ongoing evaluation. HR teams apply tech possibilities to create plans for improvement as well.

AI systems combined with HR’s experience are important to developing today’s successful company. AI has the potential to make organizations more employee-centric, reduce biases, and helps to spend more time on talent development.

Overcome biases

There is contrast bias that involves a comparison between employees. Eliminate this bias by providing clear standards of achievement. Also, recency bias prevents assessing performance with more attention to the recent past than evaluating a whole picture with different periods.

Aligning the staff to the appropriate set of goals improves performance review and management. Showing workers the key goals and expectations is important. Without it, any performance management changes will be useless. Pro-active alignment is more valuable than measurement.

Provide constructive real-time feedback because we live in multitasking busy world and we tend to forget things without immediate implementation. Artificial intelligence helps to overcome biases with permanent feedback process. The ai-driven evaluation may happen in real-time with checking goals and collaboration between the employees. The reward for good work will be provided faster or supervisors can help to deal with challenges if the team doesn’t perform well. For example, a software company BetterWorks uses AI for creating a map with the connections within a workforce: shared purposes and targets.

A human touch is a valuable element of leadership, but data-driven technologies will exclude certain aspects of bias from the performance management. Bias-free assessment will deliver work improvements and increased talent acquisition.

Use AI for the performance improvement

By capturing data such as levels of employee engagement, job satisfaction, performance information, and clear understanding about the reasons for employee turnover, AI may generate helpful predictions. It involves the data and indicators of successful workers, persons who tend to leave a job position, departments that can create great outcomes.

AI programs recognize templates and provide deep analysis that would be time-consuming and difficult for human employees. This predictive system helps HR department to use strategic approaches for the planning. It applies historical and trend information to generate solutions to face current challenges. Artificial intelligence helps HR teams to gain vision about the required development and changes, how to fulfill business purposes.

Simple and automated feedback collection is a great solution with chatbots that are ready to gather suggestions, concerns, and praise from the staff. It improves millennials’ engagement and reduces the time needed to get insight about the team’s performance. For instance, Engazify bot gathers positive feedback and motivates workers to share their experiences. This simple innovation can make the company efficient by 200%.

Not to allow your performance conversations become one-way traffic where the leader judges the worker. Engage employees, explain permanently and empathically. Connect the performance management process with coaching programs.

Create possibilities for the team as well to track their own performance, share feedback with peers and suggest improvements. Develop an open feedback culture and environment for healthy mistakes. New tech possibilities help to manage data and deliver it fast to the managers to react accordingly.

There is contrast bias that involves a comparison between employees. Eliminate this bias by providing clear standards of achievement. Also, recency bias prevents assessing performance with more attention to the recent past than evaluating a whole picture with different periods. A human touch is a valuable element of leadership, but data-driven technologies will exclude certain aspects of bias from the performance management. Bias-free assessment will deliver work improvements and increased talent acquisition.

AI programs recognize templates and provide deep analysis that would be time-consuming and difficult for human employees. This predictive system helps HR department to use strategic approaches for the planning. It applies historical and trend information to generate solutions to face current challenges. Artificial intelligence helps HR teams to gain vision about the required development and changes, how to fulfill business purposes.

Simple and automated feedback collection is a great solution with chatbots that are ready to gather suggestions, concerns, and praise from the staff. It improves millennials’ engagement and reduces the time needed to get insight about the team’s performance.

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