The Importance of an Employee Evaluation

3 min readJul 18, 2016

The employers use the evaluation to assess their staff performance. Also, they measure the contribution and behavior, the potential. The testing focuses on the specific skills or has the psychological background. It is a great tool to get insight about the appropriate learning or training for the employee.

The assessment may be situational or permanent. The permanent testing makes a habit to check the knowledge and benefits from time to time.


The successful management requires a strong feedback for the team members. Give the co-workers the assessment to eliminate the inflated perceptions about the skills and the competence. Also, the employees want to know how they deal with the assignments. The feedback based on the evaluation helps to see real situation and notice talent growth.

The evaluation gives the possibility for the communication between the supervisor and subordinate to discuss existing problems and ways to solve them. Appraisal data provides the understanding of the effectiveness of recruitment strategies.

The performance assessments and reviews have to be clear and understandable, align with the goals and company’s vision. Use new software to ensure upgrade your current evaluation and feedback system. For example, Workday, TINYpulse, Impraise and other apps provide daily feedback, tracking progress and so on.

Remember to show your employees that you appreciate their work and efforts, try not only to look for the setbacks but reward the staff. Help them to feel valuable and believe in them to help to change in a positive way.

The experts found that the employees like more frequent assessment, maybe after the project or each month. The reviews help to see the result more clearly and to analyze it in collaboration with the co-worker.

Informal feedback makes the atmosphere more comfortable and lets the employee know what actions to repeat or what to change.

The development

The assessment helps to locate the right person in the right place on the talent pipeline. It is important to realize that each team member has the different professional background and the training may create a team that fits the concrete company. The gap analysis helps to change their weak sides into strengths. You may compare a desired performance with the actual result. After the evaluation, you may select and set development plan to improve the efficiency.

Also, you may assign e-learning plan to the staff for their self-education. The assessment will show the results and benefits as well. It reinforces the educational effect. This learning is necessary for your employees to match them the professional standards. For example, SNC-Lavalin O&M has 2500 self-evaluations.

It increases the employees’ engagement when the organization helps them to do their best. The evaluation sets high requirements in the company, such as hard-working and the desire to achieve the goals. It clarifies the company’s expectations. Employee development reduces turnover.

The promotion

When you decide to promote current employees, you may use the assessment to choose one of them. It will figure out the proficiency and the seniority level, the achievements in the specific field. The behavioral evaluation brings employees to the highest level as well.

The tests ensure the availability of staff motivation and useful skills. You may adjust their responsibilities and roles according to it.

Make a checklist to emphasize key skills that are needed and check each point with the testing. You may measure the staff possibilities by the appraisal.

The evaluation figures out the proficiency and the seniority level, the possibility of promotion or weaknesses as well. It helps to see the real situation about employee performance and motivation. The assessment helps to assign the training and learning plan, to measure the results. The behavioral evaluation brings employees to the highest level by helping them to fill the gap and make the weaknesses their strength.

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