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A true Statement

Ryan Butler
2 min readJan 30, 2014

To everyone posting hate about Justin:

Jealousy must be a hard thing to swallow because clearly you all are. I resisted myself from posting this, but I think at this time it needs to be dealt with. Being in the media can be an extremely hard thing to handle as a celebrity and I’ve witnessed first hand what it’s like as his best friend. It’s not easy to be in that situation, growing up in front of the entire world. Yes, people make mistakes. We all do. We’re human. But to say a 19 year old kid living out his dream, making amounts of money that you will probably never get to experience in your life time is “out of control” is disgusting to hear as his best friend. He’s always been on the right track and will continue to be as a man and a musician. He’s been my best friend my whole life and I’m ride or die till the end. Just recently, he travelled to Guatemala on his own time to build a school for very, very poor children who had no clue who he was because of the lack of media in poverty dominating countries. Now, thousands of little kids get a chance at education because of his kind gestures as a human being. So stop bashing him about every little thing you “hear” is “true” because a great amount is false. Honestly, I think he’s done extremely well to be in the position he’s in right now. You should all sit back and look at the bigger picture.


