Using content aggregation and collaboration to Socialise Search:

Eapen Ittiyera
3 min readSep 5, 2016


“Interknott is a content aggregation and collaboration tool that enables one to put all their relevant information into one neat, simple, visual place. This information can range from anything you find online — like links, videos, images or even annotate paragraphs of text — to offline information like documents, PPT’s and PDF’s and so on. Interknott also helps you collaborate with other like minded people to build upon your content to create a hive of information.”

This is my 30 second pitch every time someone asks me what Interknott is and what we do. And then they shoot right back with, “what’s makes you different from the countless other websites out there?”

Well, I would say our end goal. We know there are a countless websites out there that let you bookmark and your keep your links. But that’s not what we aim to be. That’s not what our mission is. Our end goal is to socialise search. What do I mean by socialise search? Well, let me elaborate a little more.

So we all agree man is a social being, yeah? We love to interact with one another and share our interests with our friends. Over time, our interests are influenced by our friends and family. When you want to look up some new music, who do you ask? Your friends! Essentially, everything you end up looking up or learning is something you do because you have been referred to it or because your friends and peers do it. Now you can call this peer pressure or birds of a feather flock together or whatever, but this how you end up searching and learning new things.

So we built around that. What if you could have your search results curated by your friends? If they could find everything they were looking for about a particular topic in one place? What if we could curate the web? So we set out on a mission to do just that! We gave ourselves a cool name(we call ourselves Knittwits. We think its cool), built a tool that lets you extract any sort of information from a webpage and built a collaborative system to put it all in.

Through this we hope that the next time a teacher is looking for teaching material she never has to go through a hundred webpages before she can find something she can use. We hope that the next time someone is studying for finals, they don’t have to go through countess youtube videos before they can find one video that can explain a topic perfectly. We hope that with the help of content aggregation, we can serve a bigger purpose of not just bookmarking but to socialise search so that people can get more accurate search results.

So if you want to join us on this mission to curate the web and become a knittwit, sign up on We’re currently in beta and we’d appreciate all the help and feedback we can get to make it better.

