Building and deploying microservices with Spring Boot and Docker

Charles Ituah
3 min readMay 1, 2023


Building and deploying microservices with Spring Boot and Docker has become a popular approach for developing scalable and resilient applications. Microservices architecture involves breaking down an application into smaller, individual services that can be developed and deployed independently. This approach allows for faster development, easier maintenance, and better scalability.

Spring Boot is a popular Java framework for building microservices. It provides a simple and efficient way to create standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications. Docker, on the other hand, is a containerization platform that allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into lightweight containers that can run on any platform.

In this article, we will discuss how to build and deploy microservices with Spring Boot and Docker.

Setting up the environment

Before we can start building our microservices, we need to set up our development environment. We will need to install the following tools:

  1. Java Development Kit (JDK)
  2. Spring Boot
  3. Docker

Once we have installed these tools, we can start building our microservices.

Building Microservices with Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides a variety of tools and features that make it easy to build microservices. We can use Spring Initializr to generate a new Spring Boot project. We can select the dependencies we want to include in our projects, such as Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and Spring Cloud Config.

Once we have generated our project, we can start building our microservice. We can create a RESTful API using Spring Web and connect to a database using Spring Data JPA. We can also use Spring Cloud Config to manage our application configuration.

Containerizing microservices with Docker

Once we have built our microservices, we can containerize them using Docker. Docker provides a simple way to package our application and its dependencies into a lightweight container that can be easily deployed.

To containerize our microservice, we need to create a Dockerfile. The Dockerfile contains instructions on how to build our container image. We can specify the base image, copy our application files, and define the commands to run our application.

Once we have created our Dockerfile, we can build our container image using the docker build command. We can then run our container using the docker run command.

Deploying microservices with Docker Compose

Deploying microservices can be a complex task, especially if we have multiple services that need to be deployed together. Docker Compose provides a simple way to define and run multi-container Docker applications.

We can create a docker-compose.yml the file that defines our microservices and their dependencies. We can specify the container images to use, the ports to expose, and any environment variables to set.

Once we have defined our Docker Compose file, we can run our application using the docker-compose up command. Docker Compose will start our containers and set up any networking between them.


Building and deploying microservices with Spring Boot and Docker provides a powerful and flexible way to create scalable and resilient applications. Spring Boot provides a simple and efficient way to build microservices, while Docker provides a lightweight and portable way to package and deploy them.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can start building and deploying microservices with Spring Boot and Docker today. With the right tools and approach, you can create applications that are more scalable, more reliable, and easier to maintain.

