Develop your Google Cloud Network: Challenge Lab Solution
Welcome to the “Develop Your Google Cloud Network” challenge lab. This lab tests your proficiency in Google Cloud by giving you a real-world scenario with tasks to complete. Unlike guided labs, here you rely on your skills and knowledge to complete the tasks. An automated scoring system will provide feedback on your progress.
To excel, you need to complete all tasks within the given timeframe. This lab is recommended for those who have completed the “Develop Your Google Cloud Network” skill badge. Are you ready for the challenge?
Setup Instructions
Before starting, ensure you:
- Use an Incognito or private browser window to avoid conflicts with personal Google Cloud accounts.
- Have access to a standard internet browser (Chrome recommended).
- Have sufficient time as the lab is timed and cannot be paused once started.
Challenge Scenario
As a cloud engineer at Jooli Inc., you are tasked with helping the Griffin team set up their environment. They need a development and production VPC, a bastion host, a Cloud SQL instance, and a Kubernetes cluster for a WordPress environment. You will also set up monitoring and grant access to an additional engineer.
Task Overview
- Create Development VPC
- Create Production VPC
- Create Bastion Host
- Create and Configure Cloud SQL Instance
- Create Kubernetes Cluster
- Prepare the Kubernetes Cluster
- Create a WordPress Deployment
- Enable Monitoring
- Provide Access for an Additional Engineer
Task 0: Initial Steps
Access GCP Console and Terminal
Start the Lab by pressing the Start Lab button
Copy username and password from the sidebar
Press the Open Google Cloud Console button
Enter username and password to sign in
Press I understand button
Check Agreement and press Agree and Continue
Press the activate cloud shell button on the top right corner
In the cloud shell, click continue, and authorize if a popup appears
Export the following variables
Make sure to replace [content] with the values of your lab!
export REGION=[your_lab_region]
export ZONE=[your_lab_zone]
export ADDITIONAL_ENGINEER_EMAIL=[your_lab_username2]
Task 01: Create development VPC
gcloud compute networks create griffin-dev-vpc --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create griffin-dev-wp \
--network=griffin-dev-vpc \
--range= \
gcloud compute networks subnets create griffin-dev-mgmt \
--network=griffin-dev-vpc \
--range= \
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to the VPC network.
- Click Create VPC network.
- Name it
. - Add subnets
( andgriffin-dev-mgmt
( - Click Create.
Task 02: Create production VPC
gcloud compute networks create griffin-prod-vpc --subnet-mode=custom
gcloud compute networks subnets create griffin-prod-wp \
--network=griffin-prod-vpc \
--range= \
gcloud compute networks subnets create griffin-prod-mgmt \
--network=griffin-prod-vpc \
--range= \
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to the VPC network.
- Click Create VPC network.
- Name it
. - Add subnets
( andgriffin-prod-mgmt
( - Click Create.
Task 3: Create a bastion host
Bastion host:
gcloud compute instances create griffin-bastion \
--machine-type=e2-medium \
--zone=$ZONE \
--tags=bastion \
--network-interface=subnet=griffin-dev-mgmt \
--network-interface=subnet=griffin-prod-mgmt \
--metadata=startup-script='#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -yq git htop
' \
--scopes=cloud-platform \
--image-family=debian-10 \
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to VM instances.
- Click Create instance.
- Name it
. - Select
as the machine type. - Under Networking, add two network interfaces:
- The first interface connected to
- The second interface connected to
- Allow SSH connections.
- Click Create.
Firewall rules allowing TCP traffic on port 22:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create griffin-dev-allow-ssh \
--network=griffin-dev-vpc \
--allow=tcp:22 \
--source-ranges= \
--target-tags=bastion \
--description="Allow SSH access to bastion host"
gcloud compute firewall-rules create griffin-prod-allow-ssh \
--network=griffin-prod-vpc \
--allow=tcp:22 \
--source-ranges= \
--target-tags=bastion \
--description="Allow SSH access to bastion host in production"
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to Firewall.
- Click Create a Firewall rule.
- Name it
, set the network togriffin-dev-vpc
, and allowtcp:22
. - Repeat for
Task 04: Create and Configure Cloud SQL Instance
gcloud sql instances create griffin-dev-db \
--database-version=MYSQL_5_7 \
--tier=db-n1-standard-1 \
gcloud sql databases create wordpress --instance=griffin-dev-db
gcloud sql users create wp_user --host=% --instance=griffin-dev-db --password=password123
gcloud sql connect griffin-dev-db --user=root << EOF
CREATE USER 'wp_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'stormwind_rules';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO 'wp_user'@'%';
Enter password: password123 (You can change it in the above command)
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to SQL.
- Click Create instance.
- Select MySQL and configure the instance with the name
. - Choose the appropriate region and settings.
- Create the
database andwp_user
user with necessary privileges using the SQL command interface.
Task 05: Create Kubernetes cluster
gcloud container clusters create griffin-dev \
--zone=$ZONE \
--num-nodes=2 \
--machine-type=e2-standard-4 \
--network=griffin-dev-vpc \
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to Kubernetes Engine.
- Click Create Cluster.
- Select Standard Cluster.
- Name it
. - Set the Node Pools:
- Machine type:
- Number of nodes: 2
- Set the Network to
and Subnetwork togriffin-dev-wp
. - Click Create.
Task 06: Prepare the Kubernetes cluster
Copy configuration files:
gsutil cp -r gs://cloud-training/gsp321/wp-k8s .
Change to the directory and list the files:
cd wp-k8s
Update the wp-env.yaml
nano wp-env.yaml
Update the values of username
to wp_user
and password
to stormwind_rules
Setup secrets and volumes
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json \
kubectl create secret generic cloudsql-instance-credentials \
--from-file key.json
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Copying Files:
- Navigate to Cloud Shell and use the
command to copy files. - Editing Files:
- Use Cloud Shell Editor or other preferred text editor to modify
Task 07: Create WordPress deployment
Retrieve and copy the connection name:
gcloud sql instances describe griffin-dev-db --format='value(connectionName)'
Edit the wp-deployment.yaml file
nano wp-deployment.yaml
Find and replace the placeholder YOUR_SQL_INSTANCE
with the instance connection name retrieved in the previous step. Now Save the changes and exit the text editor.
Verify the changes:
cat wp-deployment.yaml
Deploy WordPress:
kubectl apply -f wp-env.yaml
kubectl apply -f wp-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f wp-service.yaml
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Editing Files:
- Use Cloud Shell Editor to modify and verify the
. - Deploying WordPress:
- Use Cloud Shell to run the
commands for deploying WordPress.
Task 08: Enable Monitoring
List the services in the Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl get services
Look for the wordpress
service of type LoadBalancer
column will contain the IP address you use as the WordPress site URL.
Create uptime check
gcloud monitoring uptime create griffin-dev-wp-uptime-check \
--display-name="Griffin Dev WP Uptime Check" \
Alternative for Uptime Check: Using the Google Cloud Console
If the CLI approach continues to present issues, you can create an uptime check through the Google Cloud Console:
- Go to the Google Cloud Console.
- Navigate to Monitoring.
- Select Uptime Checks from the menu.
- Click on Create Uptime Check.
- Fill in the required details:
- Title: Griffin Dev WP Uptime Check
- Resource Type: URL
- Hostname: $WORDPRESS_SITE_URL (use the actual external IP address, e.g.,
- Path: /
- Port: 80
- Check Frequency: 5 minutes
- Timeout: 10 seconds
Save the uptime check. This should successfully create an uptime check for your WordPress site.
Task 09: Provide access for an additional engineer
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT \
Alternative Approach: Using Google Cloud Console:
- Navigate to IAM & Admin.
- Click Add to add a new member.
- Enter the email of the additional engineer.
- Assign the Editor role.
- Click Save.
Congratulations on completing the lab! You have successfully set up a development environment using Google Cloud, including VPCs, a bastion host, a Cloud SQL instance, and a Kubernetes cluster. You also enabled monitoring and granted access to an additional engineer. Keep exploring Google Cloud to enhance your skills further.