Is This Our Best Bet at Conquering AI Reasoning?

Junaid Khan
1 min readJul 20, 2024


Recently, several AI labs have converged into the same idea: using synthetic, reasoning-enhanced data to improve our current models’ palpably modest reasoning capabilities.

While blending active search with LLMs might be where most enthusiasts point, it might not be possible due to capital and energy constraints, as those models could be orders of magnitude more expensive.

However, a new method that automates high-quality reasoning data has emerged and has been hinted at by some (from OpenAI to Cohere or as crucial to building the next generation of frontier AI.

Moreover, it might be the only way to prevent big tech from creating an economic moat around reasoning, the next intelligence leap.

The Harsh Reality

While incumbents claim that AI models are already as smart as high schoolers or even as smart as undergraduates, these claims are totally unsubstantiated because our current methods of intelligence evaluation are, mildly put, deceiving.

Confusing memorization with intelligence

Seeing how some LLMs have passed the US lawyer’s BAR exam or the SAT, one could be easily convinced that these…

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