How to install python 3.7 on windows 10 PC , The non-developer version.

Tyler Garrett
4 min readJun 29, 2018


Ready to start learning python? You may think installing python 3.7 is the right step, I recommend starting with python 2.7 and upgrade if necessary. If you insist, here’s how to get python 3.7 on windows 10 pc.

After this blog you will..

  1. become yoda
  2. install python 3.7 on windows 10
  3. use python 3.7
  4. links to tutorials and beginner info

Installing python on windows PC!

If you’re running Windows: the most stable Windows downloads are available from the Python for Windows page. Screenshot walkthrough, step by step, on bottom of recommendations portion, built for new people learning to install python on windows PC for the first time.

  1. Visit the python for windows page.
  2. Download python 3.7.0 by clicking the link in step 3.
  4. Begin the download and follow screenshot instructions below.

If you get stuck or lost — you can ask me for helpIf you’re a first timer, and you just think python 3.7 install on windows 10 is the next best step…

Please, read through and learn from my awful mistakes.

Need to learn more about python install and my recommendations?

I made a bunch of stupid mistakes learning python because there’s lame ass websites ranking and they don’t really have very good content. Like Python For Beginners — spams malicious popup ads, I blog about it in that link.

Before we begin, I want to mention…

I also write about uninstalling python 3.7 because my project ended up requiring 2.7, which is available natively if you have a macbook!

Quick hint, keep your installer! You likely don’t need python 3.7 today if you’re new, and you likely will be better off using an older version, which will have more documentation, college courses, smarter people than me… Blogging about these older versions, for over a decade… But if you insist. The answer to installing python 3.7 is one header down.

If you’re not already using pycharm, I strongly consider you find a smart python writing tool, if you really need python on your local computer, I’m going to recommend stop…

Downloading and installing on your local machine isn’t necessary and could cause issues if you already have a version installed and you’re not familiar with the basics… I understand because I, Tyler Garrett, also sucked a lot at this portion and felt obliged to share the solution and the journey.

Screenshots from installing python on windows PC Python Release 3.7.0

Open your executable.

Or if you’re not that techie, navigate to your download folder…

Or search your computer for python-3.7.0-webinstall.exe

Screen shot 1 from python release 3.7.0
Install now option works for me! Check add python 3.7 to path to add it to your system variables, i guess…. we will look at that later. Worst case scenario, it’s unchecked for a reason and reinstall would not hurt you at this point.
Setup progress — I’m literally always happy to get a screenshot during this progress bar load. I wonder how well this screenshot will rank next to other python 3.7.0 tutorials.
Only 4 screenshots! Not a bad little install. Open online tutorial and documentation to get your beak wet, or scroll down because like I said above, I don’t want you to have to google a lot of stuff, scroll below to learn more about python or get a refresher. Also, links to tutorials built by Python!

Testing to see if python 3.7.0 installed on your windows machine

  1. find your python.exe executable.
  2. Here’s where mine was located:


Show hidden items or folders to find your appdata directory.

Double click python.exe!

A black screen opens and you will see something like:

Python 3.7.0 (v3.7.0:1bf9cc5093, Jun 27 2018, 04:06:47) [MSC v.1914 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.

You will be able to type in front of >>>

Type 2+2+1

Congrats, you just used Python to do basic aggregation.

“next steps: check out setting up pip on python 3.7 below”

A quick tutorial on setting a constant value of X to True, and then processing it through an if statement to print text. Pretty exciting because I thought it would be more complex to dive into if-statements.

Alright, cool story, have fun.

If I’m not building analytics apps at work, or helping musicians download free loops and samples.. I enjoy writing terribly about Python, or other tech tutorials.

Typos by Tyler Garrett

Check out my page about Knime.

I used to be a bad ass tableau consultant. I still am, but whatever.

