How To Create Strong Passwords And Their Benefits

3 min readJan 22, 2018

Your password Strength will be measure of guessing password against Brute-force and Dictionary Attacks . Your password is the key to your Digital Life and you will surely don’t want anyone to Grab the access to your Social Life. A strong password is one that is designed to be hard for a person or program to discover. Because the purpose of a password is to ensure that only authorised users can access resources, a password that is easy to guess is a security risk.

Common Mistakes :

While Creating passwords Most of the people set their Pet name , their Family member name or Some even Keep “Password” as their password . The most common password is “password1” . This passwords are very easy to guess and Easily exploitable through the dictionary attacks.

Make Your Passwords Long :

Creating A Strong Password is Very Important because your Enemy here is not someone wearing a Mask , sitting in basement with his Laptop but Your enemy isA computer Program , It will run through all the big databases of Common Passwords and Combinations of Character.

It is recommended to add some Special Characters , Capital Letters and Numbersto your password in order to Avoid Dictionary Attacks.

Test Your Password :

If you use a password manager, it’ll test your password in real time, on the safety of your computer. The sites How Secure Is My Password?How Big Is Your Password?, and How Strong Is Your Password? test if your password is long enough. But they won’t warn you about common guessable phrases, like those Bible verses.

Although Entering passwords on Different websites is Not a Safe move , You can just get a idea of Creating a Secure Password if you don’t want to Check your real password.

One Password One Account :

Yes , You read correctly , Just One Password for One Account . Never reuse your Passwords . This is the second most common mistake made by people. They use one Password For all of their accounts. This isn’t a safe option because If one the website suffers data breach then The Hacker have your password which is the password for all the account , In such scenario all the accounts can be compromised by the Attacker .

Use Password Managers Application :

When you have a ton of accounts and that too with Strong Password it is really hard to remember all the passwords, but There’s a solution you can use Password Managers Application such as Dashlane and1Password .

These Password managers can also be used to create a Strong Password . These application stores all your passwords and encrypts the Password . Your all passwords can be accessed by A Master Password . You just have to remember One Password , All the Passwords are safe until Your Master Password is comprised.


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