5 min readAug 29, 2020

Why did Hermione choose Ron instead of Harry?

This is another thing. Harmione or Romione? Let’s look at this: Why did Hermione choose Ron who was poor, not very intelligent and someone who kept arguing with her instead of Harry who had good looks, so brave, rich, supported her, was her crying shoulder and someone for her to lean on. Before you scold me for those mean things about Ron, please read on. The big question is why people felt Harmione should have happened instead of Romione. I say mainly because of the movies. Emma Rupert and Dan. Emma and Dan easily make a good couple than Rupert and Emma. There is no denying it. But looking at them as characters of Harry Potter, we have to look analyse the characters and not the actors. In the movies, Harry and Hermione had a lot of chemistry and so did Ron and Hermione. But some scenes made a lasting impact more than others.

Let’s see. Why Harmione? Because in the movies, Harry was always impressed by Hermione. Whenever she figures something out or when she fights. He is simply awed by her and never hides how impressed he is. In the books, Harry never was attracted to Hermione because she was emotional, had average looks and hated his favourite sport, quidditch. He liked girls who were strong, beautiful and played quidditch. However, in the movies, Hermione is far from average. She is gorgeous and I can even say it’s almost impossible to feature Bonnie as his love interest while Hermione is there. She never missed any of his matches but she missed Ron’s first match which he actually did well (technically not her fault but it happened). Hermione was not very emotional in the films. She was strong, confident and tenacious. She was not portrayed as boring and Harry like hanging out with her which is contradicting in the books where he was said to be bored with her. Hermione fit every criteria he looked for in a girl except the liking of quidditch but it was not shown in the movies that she hated the sport either so that was not an important factor. Also, Cho who was his first girlfriend was not a quidditch player in the movies so that factor is not important. Harry asked her to Slughorn’s party to which Hermione also wanted to accept but she had been hasty and made plans with Cormac. Though this is a small scene, it made us want them to go together. When Ron walks out on them in the Deathly Hallows part one, Harry ignores her in the books. But in the movies, he removes the locket which looked very intimate and affectionate as normally guys remove the girls’ jewellery before getting intimate with them. It gave us a faint idea of a romantic scene coming up. Harry dances with her and makes her laugh. When the song ends, he does not immediately let her go and hug her close to him with his arms gripping her waist. It was a very cute scene. The little moments they shared like Hermione telling him that they were in this together, when she kissed him out of relief when he finishes the second task of the Triwizard tournament, telling him that she will go with him to die in the battle and I can keep going on. In the movies there are just so many scenes they had together.

Now Romione. Why do some people hate Romione. Main reasons that Ron is not good enough for Hermione are because he is not smart, he does not value Hermione like Harry does, he is not good looking, he is not brave and he is not loyal. Well, this is completely WRONG. Who said Ron is not smart. He figures out that Harry is in the Room of Requirement when Hermione does not have a clue. He had the idea of going to the chamber of secrets to get the basilisk fang to destroy the horcruxes. He had spoken in parseltoungue even if he was not a parselmouth. He is very smart. Maybe he was not studious or academically smart like Hermione but he was still smart enough. Does Ron really not value Hermione? No, he values her a lot even if he does not show it. He was very sad when he found out the Hermione was petrified in the second movie. He had said to Harry in the seventh movie that Harry and himself would not last two days without her. He valued Hermione a lot. Ron was very brave. He had sacrificed himself in the game of chess in the first movie for Harry and Hermione. He had braced his biggest fear of spiders just for Hermione so that she can recover in the second book/movie. He wanted Bellatrix to take him instead of Hermione and kept screaming her name when he heard her screams in the seventh book. This was not shown in the movie which made us feel that Ron did not love Hermione that much. He wanted to keep on fighting even after his brother, Fred died. This really proves that Ron was brave. Was he not loyal? No. He was the most loyal friend anyone could ever have. I’m not saying he is more loyal than Hermione or vice versa. Both of them were very loyal to Harry. Ron stayed by Harry side. Yes, in the fourth film he was jealous but who wouldn’t be. Harry had everything he did not have. But he came back to him and let Harry practise stunning spells on him repeatedly for the tournament. He supported Harry when the whole wizarding world called him a liar in the fifth book. He left his family to come with Harry in the hunt for horcruxes even though it meant endangering his life and his family. Ron was a great person.

In the movies, many of the brave actions of Ron were given to Harry or Hermione. Harry and Hermione were portrayed much more intimately than in the book. However in the books, Harry is not at all perfect. He closes himself off and is not a fun person to be with all the time. Ron was more out-going and fun. And Hermione chose Ron because he was more of an extrovert and loving compress to Harry (based on books). Hence, according to the books, Romione works better. But according to the movies, Harmione had a bigger impact than Romione or Hinny. Hence, it could have gone either way: Romione or Harmione