Are you managing your energy right?

Kaushal Mishra
3 min readFeb 4, 2023


Imagine this: You didn’t get proper sleep last night, you had a long day at work, had a fight with a nasty colleague, and you fought the traffic. It’s now 7 PM and you are at home and collapsed on the sofa, too tired to shower and too tired to eat.

Your phone rings. A very official-sounding voice verifies your name and address and says — “You are the winner of the lucky dip in which you participated last month and you are rewarded with the 7 days all-expense paid family trip to Hawaii islands”.

You leap 3 feet in the air — Ohh, yes !! You race up to the family members to tell them about this. The excitement and the energy in you are high. And, it all happened in a matter of a few minutes.

QUESTION: Where did you get all the energy from? It had to come from somewhere.

You say, “It’s the trip !”. But it’s not the trip. In fact, you haven’t got it yet. And it could be a hoax.

Here’s where the energy came from: energy flows into our being every time we say, “THAT’S A GREAT MOMENT!”. It flows when we say — “Wow, thank god”. It flows when we say — “I am fired up” and through many such expressions. That’s the reason a three-year-old has more energy than an adult because everything is new and exciting to him.

We all are channels of energy and if the channel blocks the energy then it undergoes stress and tension like any water pipe whose flow gets blocked. Electricity gets blocked by a piece of plastic tape and we call it “resistance”. We need to understand — what kind of resistance blocks our energy and how to identify resistance. And, finally how to minimize it?

Whenever we resist a situation, whenever we say, “That is not Okay,” we block energy. Similarly, any time we complain, judge, criticize, and blame others we are actually blocking energy. Misery and apathy shut off your energy. I am not here to tell you to go to the Himalayas and become a saint in search of energy. But, we can always try to minimize these so-called energy blockers or “resistance”. Sinem Günel shared fantastic insights in her article 8 Harmful Habits That Drain Your Energy And How To Get Rid Of Them.

Ancient Ayurveda and later traditional Chinese medical theory tell that massage was used as one of the ways to heal injuries, relieve pain, and prevent and cure illnesses. This method of healing is based on the belief that disease or illness gets introduced into the body due to an imbalance or deficiency of energy in various pathways. For the same reason after good massage therapy, one feels relaxed.

Hope this piece of writing gave you some starting point to think and explore more about how our body behaves as far as energy is concerned. Let’s become better at managing our energy. Do refer to Scott H. Young’s 9 Habits to Increase Your Energy to improve your personal energy.

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Have an Energetic Day !!

